Ledra Aurita or The Eared Leafhopper
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Ledra Aurita is a type of insect which has a protrusion like an ear. It can be easily camouflaged because of its color. This species has a body length of 0.5-0.7 inches, and its leaf peak in addition it is a polyphagous species which means able to feed on various kinds of food.
Superdomain --> | Neomura |
Type --> | Eukaryota |
Kingdom --> | Animalia |
Subkingdom --> | Eumetazoa |
Type --> | Parahoxozoa |
Phylum --> | Arthropoda |
Class --> | Insecta |
Order --> | Ledra aurita |
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In addition, this species has been detected in the low mountain range and in the foothills of the Alps up to 0.5 kilometers above sea level.
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These animals can be hard to notice against a dark background because of they are very well camouflaged. They feed on sap from the leaves and branches of deciduous trees. Although it prefers oaks, it also eats from a large number of other woody plants such as birch or poplar and occasionally linden, beech, apple, maple, alder, and hazel trees. Lastly, Adults fly towards the light at night and for this reason sometimes be found near humans.
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