Nearly two weeks ago I wrote about the African tulip tree growing in our garden.
I spent last week in Lusaka, Zambia's capital city, and was treated to streets lined with mature, majestic tulip trees.
Since the traffic flowed quite well most of the time, though, I didn't get much opportunity to take photos of the trees "at home". I took advantage of a short pause at a four-way stop to take a photo of this beauty in full bloom.

Tulip trees are the main decorative trees flowering in Lusaka at the moment - syringas, jacarandas and flame trees are now pretty much past it. Amazing how one tree can make such a difference to an otherwise nondescript, dusty sidewalk and run-of-the-mill wall.
I still have much to do following my trip to Lusaka, so this will be a short post. Just wanted to share the beauty of nature with you.

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