in nature •  5 years ago 

This is the final nestbox cam update this year because we now have a n empty nestbox


In this picture you will see that we have lost two more chicks



And finally an empty nest a bit sad really


Soon I will clean the box out to get it ready for next years breeding season.
Hopefully you have enjoyed the pictures and you will come back next year. Thanks mike

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Hello @mikenevitt, they were about the size of your mom when they came out.

Hola @mikenevitt, vaya como que ya eran del tamaño de la mama cuando salieron.

Yes they where. Cheers mike

You really have to wait a year... you make a great contribution to nature because thanks to that more chicks thrive than in natural conditions.

Vaya de verdad hay que esperar un año… haces un gran aporte a la naturaleza ya que gracias a eso prosperan más pichones que en condiciones naturales.

Thank you very much. Cheers mike

Tendrás que agregar un par de cajas más.

Thanks. Cheers mike

Hola @mikenevitt. Es genial crecieron bellos, gracias por compartir esas fotos…
Hello @mikenevitt. It's great they grew up beautiful, thanks for sharing those photos...

thanks for your reply .cheers mike

Hello @mikenevitt a happy end of season.

Hola @mikenevitt un feliz fin de temporada.

Thanks. Cheers mike