Awesome Interesting Facts On Earth Planet #1

in nature •  6 years ago 

1. If the human eye was a digital camera then it would have 576 megapixels. Image Source

2. The world's longest traveling traveler is Arctic Tern, it travels 11222 km from the Arctic to Antarctica. Image Source

3. Having CT scans has the same effect on radioactive radiation on your body as Hiroshima was lying on the body of a man standing one and a half kilometers away from the explosive. With a CT scan, radiation reaches our bodies up to 1-10 millisieversts. Image Source

4. The tree on earth is 350 million years old, while the shark is from Earth 400 million years ago. Image Source

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5. The length of the world's largest limousine carriage is 100 feet. Which is longer than a train box. Image Source

6. Kangaroo hides his child in the stomach when he is feeling threatened and then turns out. Image Source

7. A beautiful face is considered more attractive than the good body. Image Source

8. By recycling a glass, so much energy can be made that the TV can be run for 3 hours. Image Source


9. A person can spend several weeks without eating, but can sleep only 11 days without sleeping. Image Source

10. Benzai ski diving is a real game in which any person throws his parachute before the airplane and then jumps to catch it. Image Source

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