in nature •  7 years ago 

This is some good news!

Since we have a mostly wooded property with a lot of insects, these are some beneficial snakes to have around. Their diet consists of almost 100% bugs. Almost every Rough Green Snake we've found down here has been on property, and they seem to be sticking around.


Check it out!

This beautiful snake that we found and released again on our property is apparently still lurking around, which is good news for us! Since I suspect she's pregnant, we could have more soon too!

Red-Pepper found our first "baby" Rough Green Snake the other day too. Since it was found up near some people who don't like snakes at all, we relocated it to our land. I'm guessing that this one may have been born last year, but it's definitely the smallest one we've ever found either way. Hopefully they'll be plenty more in the years to come!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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One thing i love about you @papa-pepper is that;all your pictures is always original and not downloaded.. The other day i was arguing with a friend about your pictures trying to tell him that all your pictures and videos are 100% real and original.
Keep up the good work. 👍

Cool! You were arguing about me? LOL!

Yeah, you know I like to keep it real and original! 100% - all day, every day!


This is an interesting snake, my friend, your child is now more mature and very beautiful,Hopefully your heart will be as good as your heart, you are the one who does not have to wait for service.
You are very good, hopefully your family will live happily always.

Greetings from me @jasonmunapase for your family.

She was a cute little snake. Looks like the little peppers liked her too!

Damn....aren't you afraid of holding those snakes with your bare hands? They may be dangerous sometimes @papa-pepper

In my particular, I fear the snakes, but if they are to your liking and for your benefit, good for you that you have found!!

It's such a coincidence that I saw your posts regarding snakes and I encountered one during my hike last weekend. It was my first time encountering snakes during my hikes as the trails we usually go are used daily by the locals. I do not have any experience though on how to ID snakes and could not identify them.

This post is really great, see the love that is in your family for the nature that surrounds us is motivating. I admire your little girl how brave she is when dealing with snakes.
I take the opportunity to wish you a prosperous week

You the best @papa-pepper! Thanks for sharing us your life, and important life lessons too!

Here in our place, everything SNAKES only means one thing: danger. That all snakes are gonna bite, that they are all deadly, that they should be exterminated, that they should be gone forever!

But seeing this picture of your kid holding a cute green snake with her bare hands changes things! Man, not all snakes are bad!

*Glad you are bringing up the little Peppers not to be afraid of snakes! They can be very beneficial to have around. We used to catch ring necked snakes when I was a kid, and they would wrap around your finger. Beautiful little black snake with a red ring around their neck.

Should cut down on bugs for you! Very pretty snake.


Green things under green leaves
How do you identify a pregnat snake @papa-pepper

Glad you were able to save the little green snake! I like animals that are great pest control! Especially since we don't use chemicals on our homestead...

So cool! Snakes are rad! Especially the kind that only eat bugs! haha :) Growing up it was fun to catch and play with garter snakes. haha.

I love Green Snakes! Haven't caught any yet this year but I have caught them before.