Sunrise over Southern Utah ...right now.

in nature •  7 years ago 







Good morning steemit! This is sand hollow reservoir in Southern Utah...near Zion National Park. Dormant volcano in the distance called mollies nipple. Pristine water! Pure joy!

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Why did you over bid?

that other guy snuck in as i sent my bid. my apology. should have sent less either way.

Oh ok. lol @estabond has been real competitive lately.

yah i hear ya!!!! all of the bots!!! lol...i usually steer clear of estabond..for that very reason. i like that it has no ROI limit. pushup bot for the win...IMO. cheers my friend. sorry again...for the trouble.

No problem. FYI you might want to use @dustsweeper. I'll probably use regular bots to make your upvotes count. If I upvote your replies it doesn't count solo because my solo votes are less than .02.

was trying to lock you and i the only bidders.

Wow! So Cool 👍U5dtorexYpDyyf8Uk8KtSkF7hTgQrFh_1680x8400.jpeg


thanks sister!!!!!! from our YOU.....ALOHA!!!!!!!!! :) steem ON!!!!