The extraordinary moment

in nature •  7 years ago 

Good morning !
Now I will use sound to explain the La ; La ! moment
& the scale is B ; or # 7 . Every rainbow is special to me ; it always brings me joy & inspiration ; reminds
me there is a message in it for all humans; the beauty
& simplysity of everything in nature. Oui ; Oui ! image
Went shopping yesterday & got me a few bottles of organic wine ; free at last ; no more headaches
no pesticides & you won't believe the color and rich aromas ! Took a sip of a white variety & today I feel like a pristine mushroom; don't forget I am a cook eh. image
Sunday 10:am a cool breeze is blowing very pleasant wish you were here.Philosophy is fun let’s do
more ; 7 colors 7 sounds the 3 color triangle that explains everything in nature ; the joy to be alive
the showers of may ! Is that all ; would you believe;no . Let’s have a mushroom soup now ! image
Oh I love my cat so much it’s immortal now. The ultimate domain is C ;middle c in the piano ; the black
hole in the universe, it comes to us in the form of
gravitational waves but can we see that ; yes but only
thru the emission of X rays. The matter we see equals antimatter; but where is it . I will compose a
Instrumental in C & see what I find. Enjoy your Sunday & dance with the rainbow ! image

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