Here We Go Again: FIRE!

in naturephotography •  6 years ago 

Coming home from work tonight I saw lightning strike not too far in the distance. A few minutes later, I drove past this:




A few miles later I turned onto the road to my house. This is about ten miles from us. It was blowing up before my eyes, gained about a quarter mile in the time it took me to drive past. The storm started at least two fires according to our local facebook group. The storm is still howling with high winds and lots of lightning and almost no rain. Could be a long night...

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BC is burning, the whole thing. Worst year in a while they say.
So where's the weather manipulation when you need it? They recently admitted they're controlling weather and climate, just like the conspiracy theorists knew. So bring it on. Pass a Bill and authorize the funds and make it rain. Proper rain, no zaps! :)
(in all seriousness, I'm not really for government weather manipulation.... just pointing shit out!)

How else are we supposed to destroy your cannabis crops and bring you to your knees?

I hope the wind changes direction and it misses your place! Please stay safe. If you have to evacuate so quickly. Wildfires are nothing to mess with.

They had it out in a few hours, it blew into a lush, green field of alfalfa. The firefighters helped, but the farmer kinda saved his own arse.

That seems to be the story anymore. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

Ohhh thats so furious... Isnt it sir....

Yes, it was pretty wild. I might be happy to see snow this year.

I guess so, or at least hopefully a rainy fall.

Always glad to see the rains in the fall, summer gets very hot and dry here.

Dang man, that dry?

Tinder box. It is high desert here, we get moist of our precipitation as snow. We get dry lightning this time of year every year, and forest fires every year. Whenever I see a Smokey The Bear saying "Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires!" I want to know if he expects us to throw ourselves in front of lightning bolts? Because that is the only way his theory holds up.

That's some scary stuff, I hope you are upwind.

We are all good, they had it out before midnight. Blew into an irrigated alfalfa field which helped a LOT.

was it one of those fields where they have the giant sprinklers and did they turn those on?

Not sure what type of irrigation they have, they did not need to turn it on. The field was lush and green and it just slowed it all down enough for the firefighters to finish it off.

Take it easy, go turn on the sprinkler.
