Celebrate This Diwali by Sharing Joy. Brighten Up Lives!

in navratri •  2 years ago 

Celebrate This Diwali by Sharing Joy. Brighten Up Lives!.jpg

Festive vibes are soaring high as the countdown for Diwali has begun. Indians are always synonymous to the grandiosity of the festivals celebrated and with Navaratri coming to end, preparations for Diwali are underway. The true meaning of this festival is to spread joy and happiness. A symbol of happiness, serenity, and wealth is the lighting of candles and diyas and the illumination of homes with lights. The whole nation celebrates with great fervour and excitement. However, we must always keep in mind to spread our happiness and joy to others who are less fortunate.

During this festive season, although you may be celebrating Diwali with friends and family , there are millions of people who do not even know where their next meal will come from. According to mythology, Diwali - the Hindu festival of light, symbolises the triumph of good over evil. New clothes, treats, and celebration that the privileged are used to, cannot be taken for granted by the children who are less fortunate.

People from disadvantaged social groups lack access to basic necessities and try to live with the hope that tomorrow will be better. Diwali to them is just another day in their life. By deciding to donate some of your precious time, energy and kindness, you can make a difference by putting a smile on their face and inspiring them to hope for a better future. A small act of kindness and little efforts can make a huge difference in the lives of these people.

Offer goodies to the less privileged

It is simple to organise a gift-giving event for the needy. You can collaborate with others to plan an annual low-key gathering for your domestic help and their children. Apart from feeding the hungry, books, pens, and other supplies for education might also be purchased with money gathered for such an occasion and gift a smile.

Visit a school

Many socially conscious children and adults are increasingly opting to not ‘burn’ money on conspicuous consumption like firecrackers; instead, they are investing their Diwali budget towards a better cause. You can visit a nearby government school and sponsor a lunch, stationery requirements of children and interact with them.

Donate to an NGO

If you choose to support an NGO to channel your kindness, you can make a significant contribution to social good with a portion of your overall Diwali spending. Donate to charities, like The Akshaya Patra Foundation - one of the leading NGOs in India that supports food and education of children and runs various programmes, the core of which is the Mid-Day Meal Programme.

PM Poshan Abhiyaan (previously known as Mid-Day Meal Programme)

The Akshaya Patra Foundation serves hot and nutritious lunch to 2 million Government school children every school day through the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (previously known as Mid-Day Meal Programme), across 14 States and 2 Union Territories in India. These meals are prepared and distributed from its 65 kitchens.

For over 21 years, the Foundation has battled to alleviate hunger in the classroom, encouraging marginalised children to get an education and aspire to a brighter future. When you donate to feed the children, the meals served, act as an incentive for these children to attend school every day, thus increasing attendance and enrolment. The meals also encourage them to continue their education.

A teacher of tomorrow


Brij Rani is a 11-year-old girl who studies in Class 5 of Upper Primary School at Bati in Mathura. She is the youngest of seven siblings. Her favourite lunch is dal roti.

She aspires to be a teacher because she wants every child in her community to have access to basic education. Till today, many families in her village hesitate to send their children to school and instead choose to send them to work as child labourers. Brij wants to make sure that this stops and every child gets the opportunity to attend school. She also says that when she grows up, she wants to create awareness among parents about the importance of education.

The opportunity for lakhs of disadvantaged youngsters in India to reach their full potential can only be provided through nutrition and education. Your participation opens up access to help them build a better future. No matter how big or small, every act of kindness matters!

Help others this Diwali. Share the joy of this festive occasion!

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