Degenerative cervical spondylosis occurs in middle-aged people (40-50 years old), risk factors are working in the bowed position, high head movement, high labor intensity. Especially the object of office work computer sitting very often degenerated vertebrae. Maybe for a long time, the patient did not feel unusual. Then, the symptoms appear: the neck movements are entangled and painful; sometimes the patient is in the condition of neck scoliosis; The pain from the nape of the neck spread to the ear, neck, headache, "crooked posture" posture, neck pain, headache, headache in the occipital area, frontal area, pain from the neck. The neck is spread down the shoulders, arms on one side or on both sides.
To prevent fracture, dislocation of the dentist paralyzed the quadriplegia, the risk of death, absolutely not be the twisted neck, press the patient's neck, patients avoid lying too high pillow. Degenerative cervical spondylolisthesis can cause damage to the adapter hole, affecting brain circulatory disorders. Therefore, if you are experiencing increased pain and increasing frequency, you need to visit a medical facility for prompt medical examination and treatment.