We live in a creepy, dreary culture. I was on about end of the world articles on social media cause of the reaction many have. They say oh Yellowstone park could go at any moment so just have another beer! An excuse to bury your head in the sand in denial perhaps!? Denial isn't wrong. Perhaps it's an inverted element. Who would want to look!?They may feel powerless so gravitate towards grim world culture, to have further reason to project their feelings onto external cultural myths, to keep those head states alive. I could be seen as in denial if I talk like I have hope.
It's from all sides. Versions of getting old where your body breaks down. What if that's a lie and it's the style of living in current modern culture that gives us that story of what getting old is supposed to be so we believe it!? Were sold by the entertainment industry that we must buy and sell technological objects in order to survive in electric culture.
We are given messages that it's ok to just give up. Be hazed. Believe your insignificant and you need all this stuff and also to numb yourself away from vital life. Just isolate yourself with others and call it a party. Join an anti-social social circle that believes were all doomed so you can have that excuse to drug, drink, and fuck yourself to death. It's cool. Everybody is doing it. Woah it is like a self fufilling prophetic death drive act! I'm doomed, the world is doomed so lets just keep poisoning the world and ourselves. It's dead already so might as well kill it some more!!