Daily Delegation - Day 31 (1,000x2 NeoXAg Delegation everyday)

in neoxian •  6 years ago 


I've got a clear winner for yesterday's contest, @upfundme I loved every minute of that wild ride. The evilness is strong in you, enjoy the 1,000 NeoxAg delegation. My favorite part was "Builds a new tribe based on cryptocurrency and implodes if anyone sells any" oh the memories!

I'm going to put two tasks on my plate for next week, I'm going to stake 100 CK (well get my total to 100 CK staked) before they do their crazy draw on September 1st and then I will be saving up some Steem to create two new tokens with I've been thinking about putting together an idea I had a few weeks ago and @upfundme has inspired me to explore things further after their post today regarding how they are handling their miners moving forward, which involves a script which pays out users a fixed rate daily for holding their mining tokens. Once I figure out what a script is I will be fully ready to launch the next big fad to rock the S-E world.

Tangent over. Today's winner will be the person who comments the weirdest application for a S-E token. So far most tokens have a pretty straight forward purpose, miners mine tokens, tokens facilitate tribes but their are a few more bizarre tokens out there. @maxuv is a token that essentially allows you to buy a share of a account which upvotes it members. @addax was a trading game which was designed to get its users engaged in order to turn a profit from the tokens. These are just two examples but I want to hear even weirder ideas! As always 1,000 NeoxAg 30 day delegation up for grabs.

Almost forgot, our first 30 days is now over! I will begin undelegating previous winners so I will be undelegating from @mermaidvampire today. So if you want more NeoxAg, you better come back soon!

Neoxian City Discord.

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Ever play the phone game adventure capitalist?

You could create a base token, attach a bidbot to this token to give it a use.

Create a mining token that mines the base token (ratio mining so you can control it more).

Create a mining token that mines the 1st mining token.

Continue on with this as far as you want creating miners that mine the previous miner.

Create a website that reads all this information and displays it in a game like format with countdowns for each miner and an option to exchange the base token for miners.

I like it, use the tokens to create an idle game. I think this is actually very doable.

It is quite doable. A little JavaScript and a dash of nodejs, some steem to create the tokens and a domain to point to your vps running it all.

Give a reward to your players, X amount of your newest miner when they come out for every Y Steem Power delegated to the bidbot taking in your base token.

Then make sure to come out with a new miner every few weeks and sell it for STEEMP on the market and you have a goldmine. You could even call it goldmine.

This came to me a few weeks ago, but it would take well over a month for me to learn all the coding required and to make it a thing. Someone good with Java could build a MVP within a day.

You could even connect the game to a tribe, and use the tribes currency as the games premium currency. Then take it a step further and burn the premium currency players spend in the game, increasing value for the tribe.

Someone needs to do this.

If I could afford to pay a developer, I'd have this and about a dozen other golden ideas running for UpFundMe. This idea isn't even in my top 3.

Brb learning how to code.

game on. :-)



I still like the idea of BURN tokens... like an evil twin brother of the original token. STEEMBURN - mined by burning STEEM... might even be more valuable than STEEM in the interest of reducing supply. Send STEEM to NULL and MINE STEEMBURN 1:10... Burn 100 STEEM, get 10 STEEMBURN. Burn 10 STEEM, get 1 STEEMBURN.

Then STEEMBURN can be used for monthly drawings for AWESOME prizes.

Burn mining. Might be an interesting way to sell miners for a token. Burn the tokens to get miners.

Do you want to make your own miner and distribute rewards @bwar? I'm handling the miner payments for @upfundme ;) !giphy bwar

// You can support giphy by using one of your witness votes on untersatz! //

How does one handle miner payments?

Yes I do and I want to handle it exactly like you are doing for upfundme.

Let’s chat on Discord. !giphy evil

// You can support giphy by using one of your witness votes on untersatz! //

  ·  6 years ago 

Congratulations @cloudblade, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @bwar!
@bwar got 6 TRDO & @cloudblade got 4 TRDO!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to steem-engine.com
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

  ·  6 years ago 

LOTTOTOKEN Is a lottery token ! @lottotoken
SHOP Is a seed dessert token ! @teamcn-shop

I want new ideas! Give me something crazy you'd like to see someone make!

  ·  6 years ago 



@mia-cc 斤斤 迎着沙尘暴 推着推车 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


  ·  6 years ago 


  ·  6 years ago 

You win!!!! 你赢了!我这新手村猜拳小能手的名号让给你了! 给你1枚SHOP币!