A friendly reminder : the best to destroy a nation is to wipe its capital first... core vs periphery - discussion or scaling with iranians is useless : nuke teheran

in nethanyahu •  6 years ago 

nuking all of teheran is maybe a little bit strong for a starter, but I think that ashing every nice part of the city is a necessary, rational, logical first step.

when the roman arrived in judea - samaria, what did they do? waste time in behtlemem or hebron? No, straight to the capital, barrage, and pounding, because once that is done, the rest is just policing.

this is a fundamental issue in war making. some try to grind the entire enemy army, from the edges to the core, others aim for the leadership. And guess who is gonna make good slaves and then roman citizens? the leadership or the main troops once they see all their leadership crucified and have a prospect of a better life for them and their families in the Roman Republic?

this marginal approach is for the weak, disruption. a few sub nuke munition to flatten all the nice part of teheran, destroy all infrastructures for life in those part of town, see the reaction of the poor main population (they wanna fight), excellent, nuke everything.

and then I guarantee you, they will not wanna fight anymore, because they will be all dead. it's war 101.

if those war college and so called war education are as bad as the rest...

at one point it is back to basic. entire leadership living area gone, entire capital gone (gone, in like there is nothing), reduce drastically the will to fight of the enemies.

if you want to look at it the american way. entire conus life is gone, all so called mad forces of america have neutralized, what are a few military outpost good for?

or if you want to see it biologically, if the ant colony has been wiped, what are the few group around alive dangerous for?

the khan never wasted time with little periphery town - main city, burned it down, next.

anyway, the iranians says they want to board the janna express, no problem, nuke are made for them to be send to the other side, fast.

don't forget to wave at the iranians, all of them, the innocents and the miscreants : bye bye !

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