television network

in network •  last year 

In 1 the University of Houston was the first school to offer college courses via television on the first public television network.
The University of Phoenix was the first institution to launch a fully online program offering both bachelor's and master's degrees in 1989.
In 2003, Blackboard Learning Systems claimed that more than 6 million students studied through online courses taught by 40,000 tutors in over 40,000 locations. 50 countries.By 2014, the number of online students had grown to nearly 19 million.
In 2020, this number more than doubled.
The Present of Online Education
The Coronavirus has certainly taken a toll on every aspect of human life. This makes traveling, studying, going out and living in general more difficult. On the positive side, it shows that a world can work just as well.This allows the online world to shine. Virtual city walks, online shopping, phone and screen meetings, online classes have been around for a long time. Only now are they becoming important and considered the only viable mode of operation.

Fortunately, in terms of education, the world welcomed the coronavirus pandemic half-ready. With the online education system already established, nothing has been lost in the past two years.Working from home, online classes, and meetings on Zoom or Google have become common, and the world continues to turn. Even traditional schools have turned to online learning and more and more students are choosing online education.953,

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