8 Ways to Give Your New born the Best Start in Life

in new •  2 years ago 

The day you bring your newborn home from the hospital marks the beginning of an amazing adventure that will last throughout your child’s life and can make all the difference in their future successes and happiness.

In order to give your newborn the best possible start in life, try these eight ways to give your newborn the best start in life.

  1. Invest in a Scale

According to research from the CDC, a baby’s weight gain can be closely monitored during their first year of life by using a simple scale.

A baby should be weighed at least once per month, and it is recommended that infants under 6 months old be weighed at each visit.

At every doctor’s appointment or well-child checkup, your pediatrician will want to know how much your child has grown since their last visit.

  1. Breastfeed or Bottle Feed

Breastfeeding is a natural process that can help your baby develop immunity against pathogens, while also providing optimal nutrition.

Bottle feeding offers more flexibility for parents, but can make it harder for babies to digest formula. Talk with your pediatrician about which option is best for you and your child.

If breastfeeding is not an option, work with your doctor or lactation consultant to find ways of maximizing milk production through pumping or supplementation.

Ask other mothers how they’ve managed their own children’s breastfeeding needs so that you have support from someone who has been through it before.

The first six months of parenting are never easy- regardless of whether or not there were any surprises during childbirth!

Maintain your family by making sure everyone has time for rest and recovery after childbirth- including both parents.

A step-by-step guide that will show you exactly all the tips and helpful advice to become more successful in bringing up your baby.

  1. Bathe Baby Often

Babies should be bathed once a day or twice a day. When bathing your baby, use lukewarm water and only a small amount of soap. Never pour the water over their head; gently wet a small soft towel/cloth then wash their face, arms, legs, and back.

Rinse them with lukewarm water until they are clean. Dry them off gently with a soft towel. Once they’re dry, put on some lotion and do a little massage to relax their bodies then hold them close to you as you dress them so they feel secure and loved by their family.

  1. Always Check for Signs of Illness

New parents should always be on the lookout for signs of illness in their infant. Signs can include fever, respiratory difficulties, diarrhea, vomiting, and unresponsiveness.

If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, you should call your doctor. You may also want to contact your physician if your baby has been inconsolable or unusually fussy.

  1. Keep Baby Safe (Some Tips!)

  2. Keep your baby away from germs: Germs are everywhere, and they can make babies sick. Make sure you wash your hands before and after you touch your baby or anything that might have germs on it. Also, avoid letting others hold your baby unless they’ve washed their hands.

  3. Never shake a baby: Shaking a baby is very dangerous because it can injure the brain.

  4. Cover up around babies: If you’re sick with a cold or fever, cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing so that you don’t spread germs to anyone else — including your little one!

  5. Get some sleep! Babies need plenty of rest to grow healthy and strong. It’s important for both mom and dad (and grandparents!) to get as much sleep as possible while the baby sleeps so they won’t be too tired when taking care of the new family member!

  6. Eat well: Mom needs good nutrition to give her breast milk enough nutrients for her new little one. Try eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, and lean meats for protein.

  7. Love and Play With Baby

Researchers have found that it is important for parents to spend time with their babies, particularly during the early months of life. This time spent can help strengthen your relationship with your child, as well as develop his or her social and emotional skills. Plus, it’s never too early to start teaching a love of books. Infants who are read aloud to on a regular basis are more likely than those who are not read aloud to enjoy reading when they get older.

  1. Nurture The Senses

Nurture your baby’s senses by introducing various textures and sounds. For instance, stroke their skin with a soft, furry animal or play classical music. You can also spend time reading books and singing songs to them.

This will help prepare them for life outside of the womb where they’ll be bombarded with new sensations. The more you expose your little ones to new experiences, the better prepared they will be for life’s adventures!

  1. Watch For Signs Of Fatigue

Watch for signs of fatigue. Babies are hard work, and they need their rest. If your baby seems sleepy, put him or her down. As they get older, they will be able to play and go longer without a nap, but at this age, it is vital that you keep them rested so that they can grow and develop properly.

Hope the few tips will help you in embarking on this beautiful and amazing journey of bringing up your little bundle of joy. If you would like to learn more tips you can check this step-by-step guide here.

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