Strange creatures. Unbelievable...

in new •  8 years ago 

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The forests of the Amazon - the largest tropical forest in the world. He carries a huge variety of amazing creatures and plants. Below is a list of some of the strangest animals living in tropical forests along the Amazon River, which you've probably never even heard of.


Kinkajou raccoon relative is also known as the honey bear, he lives in trees and eats mostly fruits and honey. But also not averse to eat insects, frogs, lizards, bird eggs and small animals. It has thirteen centimeter language used, in order to get the hanging fruit, as well as lick nectar from flowers. People are quite rare.

Electric eel.

Electric eel - fish from the detachment of carps. It reaches a length from 1 to 3 meters and can weigh up to 40 kg. Able to generate electrical discharges, voltage up to 1300 V. and current of up to 1 A. For a man it is not dangerous, but the current impact will be felt hurt. Well take root in captivity and often serve as a decoration of aquariums.

Dart frogs.

These colorful frogs reach sizes of 1, 5 to 6 cm. Have poisonous skin secretions and bright warning coloration, which discourages natural enemies. Are some of the most dangerous creatures of the Amazon.

Unusual ant.

Ants largest in the world, can reach sizes of 18 to 25 mm. They have a very strong sting and poison. The power of stinging ant-bullet exceeds the force of any stinging wasps or bees. Some local tribes use these ants for the ceremony of initiation to adulthood, in which a young man must suffer their bites, resulting in temporary paralysis and even blackening bitten fingers.

Jesus Christ Lizard.

Common basilisk can sometimes reach up to 1 meter in length (with a tail), but the most common individual is about 60 cm. They feed, small mammals (eg, rodents), insects, fruits and flowers, as well as smaller lizards. These amphibians are also called "Jesus Christ Lizard" for their ability to run for a short distance through the water. In addition, the common basilisk excellent swims and can stay under water for about 30 minutes.

Glass frog.

Leather glass frog is almost transparent, so it is difficult to see such as the skin takes on the shade of the surrounding vegetation.


Candiru - freshwater fish, reaching no more than 15 cm in length, almost transparent.. Among the locals is considered dangerous. It is parasitic on other fish swimming away to her gills, and then rastopyrivat spiky protuberances, and feeds on the blood. To get enough, enough Candiru from 30 to 145 seconds, then it leaves the host. But sometimes Candiru can swim in the person, which may cause severe pain. The only way to get rid of this parasite - surgery. It is considered the most cold-blooded killer-sadist in the animal world.

Grey Forest nightjar.

Grey Forest nightjar - nocturnal bird, which reaches a length of 38 cm and weighs 230 g It leads nocturnal, hunting flying insects.. During the day the bird is resting on top of a dead branch, merging with the surrounding environment. Master of Disguise.

Good luck to all friends:)

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Gotta love that nightjar! Great pic!

Thank you:)