TOP 5 of my Most Interesting, Unique, and Weird Jobs

in newcomers •  4 years ago 

Hello, I have not published on Steemit for a long time. One of the reasons is because I have had a lot of work. Some jobs have been normal and others not so much haha. So here I want to share the weirdest jobs I've ever had.

5) Pretend to be a woman

This happened at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. I was contacted by a client who had a website whose main theme was habits for a healthy life and things like that. I wanted him to write articles to publish in his blog section and well, until there, everything normal.

However, at some point he told me that his website had a certain distinctive touch. Despite the fact that he was a man, he had created the entire identity of the site as if it were a woman its creator and administrator.

This "woman" was the character to whom all the things that were being told on the blog happened. Her name was Aura María, she lived in Colombia, she was 44 years old, she had suffered from overweight and this affected her health for a long time. But thanks to the will to change, his life now revolved around healthy things, he had lost weight and improved his self-esteem.

So what should I do? Well, get into character - yes, like an actor - and write as if it were Aura María. The experience was really interesting, fun and an opportunity to put myself in someone else's shoes.

4) Magic and Esotericism

Because yes, there is one of everything in this life, I worked twice with topics related to magic and esotericism. I wish it had been as a Hogwarts professor, but I couldn't be so lucky.

The first time was also as a copywriter. A client contacted me because she needed a wide variety of posts about the power that candles have on people, on their energy, in their homes, etc.

Red candle for love, green candle for health, white candle for protection, and all the colors that follow with their meaning. Something curious is that, really, she was a demanding client and she asked me to do a lot of research and gather a lot of information on these topics.

3) Witchcraft Again

The second time I worked on things related to "magic and esotericism" a woman contacted me again. This was openly presented as a specialist in energy and other titles that I do not remember. She knew how to read the hand, the cards, the Tarot, and of course -because she cannot miss these topics- she knew everything about love ties to attract the loved one.

She was a true 2.0 witch, because she wanted promotional image designs for her services and later on investing in advertising on Social Networks. The latter never materialized and how good because it might not have gone well, I mean, I have never seen a promotion of "love tie" on Instagram. So I limited myself to making some designs on the things she asked me to do.

These “magic” related experiences were hilarious, although I repeat, I would have liked better to earn a living as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

2) A porn Website

Yes, as you read, I worked on a porn site. In fact, being more specific, on a page specialized in Asian porn. Now that I think about it, it sounds more exotic than it might have been since, in case you're wondering, no, it wasn't as an actor or selling packs. In that case, that would be a great story to tell.

What happened was very different. It was a page that was just getting started and needed to position its content in Google, a not easy job in the competitive world of porn. And think about it, how many porn pages will there be? Not many, very many! Competing with them and "beating" them is not just anything.

Anyway, its creator was a man from California who basically required me to optimize the videos on the page based on SEO positioning. It was a demanding job and it took me almost two months in which I had to watch an incredible amount of Japanese, Chinese, Filipino porn and many other places. 

This work ended because the porn page began to crash due to being affected by a virus. This left my work half done while the creator tried to fix the problems. Some time later, however, he ended up closing it completely.


1) Videos of my feet… (?)

Ok, this is undoubtedly the most tabloid title of all, you have to read the whole story and draw your own conclusions. In the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic I was doing badly economically because my job was closed ... I KNOW YOU'RE THINKING NOW!

Hahaha Sure you think I sold videos or photos of my feet because I had no money, but no, keep reading.

I came up with some crazy ideas to generate income online and one of them was offering male modeling services. That is, I was going to lend my image for photographs and videos focused, mainly, on the needs of brands or companies that required content without copyright.

In this job I was a model for dating apps, a model for clothing brands and, finally, a model for various things. It is in this last category that this story falls.

Someone from Austria wrote me. I don't know if it was a man or a woman, because his contact user did not specify it, but his request was more or less this: a video in which he was barefoot and dramatized that he hit my foot causing me pain.

Well, I won't lie to you: at this point I said "nothing, this pod is crazy." What did I do? I would love to say that I refused the job, but no, I made the video, sent it, and asked the Gods of Olympus not to ask for anything more from there.

My pleas were heard and they accepted delivery. I never knew - because I never wanted to ask - exactly what the video was for. Maybe it was something very specific related to a specific topic, or maybe it was just someone with a foot fetish. There will always be the doubt. 

My work life is a party

The truth is that I have had very different work experiences. Just to mention a few: I worked in a University, for a Beauty Salon, for a professional Soccer team - I loved doing it - in industrial and engineering companies, in a Casino of Games ...

There is also the time when I earned cryptocurrencies generating creative content about whatever I wanted, without a doubt a dream come true; or that other period when I cleaned houses because my girlfriend at that time was going to have her birthday and I wanted to give her a gift and take her to lunch at a nice restaurant.

Many jobs and very diverse, but that have always left me something. Perhaps this TOP 5 is one of the most curious experiences or the strangest ones that I have had, but I feel happy that life has allowed me to go through all of them and that something good remained.

Thanks to work I paid for the publication of my first book, and thanks also to work, now I live happily and contentedly fighting for more dreams.

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