Hello. I like museums, horses and hunting. How about that?
The world is a crazy place. It's tough to explain a lot of things out there. How to measure the joy found in novelty? Why do female ducks drive seasonal migrations across North America? The baffling longevity of LinkedIn. -Credit: Bill Bailey. It's wild.
I like books and podcasts. And podcasts about books. I might be the last millennial with a New York Times, Car and Driver, and a Delta Waterfowl magazine subscription.
I think Star Trek made the world a better place to live. And it showed why we need Australians in the future. No one is going to mistake ChatGPI or other AI-generated stuff for Australians. It's far too literal-minded.
I live with a cast of cats and a giant dog in the frozen prairie until I learn to drive in deep snow and escape.