One Step Closer To Legalization In New Hampshire

in newhampshire •  6 years ago 

New Hampshire is often regarded as one of the freest states in the country, yet they are still a region that has criminalized cannabis for recreational purposes.

Things might change soon though, as a recent bill that's seeking to legalize cannabis just moved closer to being implemented, after it passed by only one vote (10-9) through the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. While the governor still opposes legalization of recreational cannabis, it's believed that there is enough support in the House and Senate to override any veto that might come about.

New Hampshire has been dealing with a prevalent opioid problem and those against cannabis legalization think that legalizing “more drugs is only going to make the problem worse. Their ignorance is standing in the way of freedom for the people and their right to access cannabis.

Previous research suggests that states with medical cannabis have seen at least a 25 percent reduction in overdoses related to opioids.

In regions where cannabis has been legalized, researchers have seen a notable decline in opioid prescriptions...

It's believed that cannabis could play a pivotal role in helping to treat opioid and other addictions. It's foolish to persist with prohibition because of fears that recreational cannabis legalization will lead to a boom in opioid use; that hasn't been seen in any state that has legalized. They've seen quite the opposite.

Currently, recreational cannabis possession has been decriminalized for up to three-quarters of an ounce for adults. You can still face fines though and if caught one too many times you could eventually face misdemeanor charges. But freedom doesn't sound like it's something that should include people being extorted over a plant, should it? There are too many people who could be helped by this plant and thousands of possibilities as far as what it can be used to help produce, it's a detriment to the quality of life of many to persist with the nonsensical war against cannabis and other drugs.

Various health advocates in NH, along with police chiefs, and the governor's Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs have all condemned the move and positioned themselves against the prospect of legalization.

"the gateway drug" lie that won't die

"Marijuana is not at all a solution for our opioid epidemic,.... In light of the terrible opioid epidemic here in New Hampshire we must agree that it is not wise to increase access to cannabis, which might be a gateway drug. We need more certainty, we need more sound evidence.” - said one critic Dr. William Goodman

The gateway drug theory on cannabis is wrong and it's been suggested that legalization could lead to an anti-gateway effect, if anything.

As well, previous polls have indicated that most residents in NH support legalization. Gov. Sununu has already indicated however that he will veto the bill if it gets passed. He's convinced that now isn't the time for legalization in the state.

pic 1 - KCFJ
pic 2 - beehigh via tokesignals
pic 3 - pixabay

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You've been visited by @riverflows, on behalf Natural Medicine.

It's so encouraging to see weed decriminalised state by state - always good news in my feed!

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Well, it's important to believe propaganda films from years gone by more than actual scientific evidence.

it feels good😂

Those weed photos always crack me up. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing such large amounts of weed in one bag.

Here in Thailand it's legal if you pay off the police! Bars here even sell it.

Have a great day brother!

It is so sad that people don't realize that prohibition always makes things worse. The fact that marijuana is about as harmless as a substance can be is real proof of that.

just gotta vote a liiiiittle harder and we'll be where we want to be😂👍

Voting - you're doing it right.jpg

All I can say is that if one of the stupidest states in the Union (Massachusetts) did it, well how far a stretch is it that New Hampshire will as well?

we can hope 👍👍😄

Let's go Mary Jane ;)

Even also in my country, we criminalised cannabis also. Because we believe it is illegal

I have been doing just fine with my medicine and nothing else. The occasional drink here and there but no "Drugs" and I would prefer to avoid even using "light" non prescrip pharmas.

That tupperware container looks like some average chronic.. lol

But am hoping Pennsylvania deregulates cannabis altogether but like you say that propaganda lives on in the minds of those who oppose.

To each their own.