I’ve been putting off performing songs that I’ve already written out of fear that I wouldn’t be able to do it right. I had an epiphany today regarding how to route everything and use just the Ableton Push to perform already recorded songs.
I wrote this song right after New Years with samples that I recorded of my neighbors setting off fireworks and celebrating. I didn’t finish it because of things that happened that sent me into a bit of depression that I am only now fully emerging from. Performing this song, although it is not perfect, has given me confidence to push forward and try harder next time because I have a lot to share and I finally know how to do it. Check it out and let me know what you think! Seriously, feedback is appreciated as I am trying to improve.
If you're interested, listen to more of my music here:
TIDAL: https://tidal.com/browse/artist/8594124
BANDCAMP: https://inadrm.bandcamp.com/
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/inadrm/1214573967
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4vhv0k8lS4YJobv2Fu8oqd
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/inadrm