Examples Of Violence

Examples of Christian polemics against Islam
One Reverend Father, J. O. Odetayo, is reported to have said in his book: Battle for Nigeria:
the Cross or the Crescent, on page 5:
Every Christian parent holds it a duty to tell his or her children as the Christians inform
one another that:
 Allah is the name of the chief of the pagan Arabian deities, being worshipped
before Mohammed was born. The spirit called by the name would make sits
worshippers violent and blood thirsty:
 Muslims put no value onto human lves and they are intolerant. Hence they can
kill even when hired to do so;
 If any child becomes a Muslim, his or her name is struck off the list of possible
renowned achievers and genius I any human endeavours;
 Muslims would not speak the truth with non-Muslim especially on 0political
matter. Hence the Nigerian written constitution was always violated and election
figure falsification remained;
 No Islamic country is developed;
 No Islamic State is independent of Muslim Empire whose Headquarters is in
Mohammad A. Ali who was born a Muslim but later converted into Christianity wrote a book
entitle My Encounter with Jesus Christ. In chapter Two on page 20, there is sub-head “The
foundation of Islam”. He states:
Islam was built upon unreliable five pillars viz: Believing in the oneness of
Allah and his messenger, saying five daily prayers, paying the poor due
(Zakat), Pilgrimage to Mecca at least one in life, fasting during the month of
Ramadan. But all these mentioned pillars are unreliable; hence they did not
provide our need known as “salvation”. So, no matter how many pillars
Islam or other religion has, whether five or ten pillars does not make sense
to the wise.23
One G. J. O. Moshay wrote a book that he called Anatomy of the Qur’an. The book consists of
ten chapters all of which were devoted to the criticism of Islam and the Qur’an. Secondly, he
made several attacks on the personality of the Prophet Muhammad and he even described him as
a liar. To Moshay, the fact that he word “salvation” was mentioned only one in the Qur’an is an
indication that Islam and Qur’an have nothing to do with salvation. This is in contradistinction
to the Bible, where the word is repeated many times in each chapter. On the whole Moshay
presented the book as if he has come across some fact about the Qur’an that nobody before him
is aware of.24

22 Osman Bari, Islam or Christianity “The Up Right view” Bureau for Islamic Research, Kano, 1993, pp. ii-iv.
23 Muhammad A. Ali, My encounter with Jesus Christ (No publisher), ND p. 20.
24 G. J. O. Moshay, Anatomy of the Qur’an, Fireliner International, Ibadan, 1994, p. 46.

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