The success of the mother and son

in news •  6 years ago 

Matru and son received success in the Dakhil examination as a regular student of Baupal Upazila in Patuakhali. Mother's name is Jasmin Akter. And the son's name Saifullah bin Zakaria

Mother got GPA-3.60 and son got GPA-4.28

Saifullah bin Zakaria is the youngest among the two daughters and one son of Jasmine Akter. Husband's name Zakaria Khan. They were lodged in Kalishuri port area of ​​the upazila.

Senior girl Syeda Akhtar honors Zoology third year student and younger daughter Afsa Begum is the first year student to honor the economy.

Jasmin Akhtar studied as a regular student of Rajapur Shalhia Dakhil Madrasa from Kshishuri union upazila in the sixth grade to the tenth grade. From this year, the successful completion of the GPA-3.60 in the Dakhil examination this year.

And son Md. Saifullah bin Zakaria succeeded in getting the GPA-4.28 in the Dakhil examination from Keshabpur Fazlul Haque Alim Madrasa of Keshabpur Union of the same upazila.

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