United Nations of Idolatry Raises Their Latest ProvocationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  7 years ago 

The United Nations has restored and erected a statue of the ancient Greek goddess Athena, displaying it at their exhibit in Texas. The Digital Archeology Exhibit is a project fronted by the United Arab Emirates, the Italian mission to the UN, and the Institute of Digital Archaeology. It's the latest step along the path of restoring other ancient relics such as the Palmyra Victory Arch.

This might sound familiar to some. Here's a hint:
"And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel. For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them." -II Kings 21:2-3, KJV

This and many other items were recovered from Palmyra, Syria, in the wake of the ISIS campaign to destroy as much history as possible in the region. The statue was unveiled on Thursday, November 23rd, sparking disapproval from Abrahamic religious leaders.

Athena is commonly associated with Minerva, a Roman goddess of wisdom and war because the two are remarkably similar. Prior to that, she was recognized as the Mesopotamian goddess Ashera, a figure known among biblical accounts of idol worship alongside Baal. This is one of many displays of paganism made prominent again by international efforts in recent years.

"They rejected all the commandments of Hashem their God; they made molten idols for themselves—two calves—and they made a sacred post [Ashera] and they bowed down to all the host of heaven, and they worshiped Baal." -II Kings 17:16

Rabbi Elad Dokow of the Technion Institute of Technology had this to say about the artifact's celebration:
"There is currently an unmistakable rise of paganism and idol worship in the world, more than any other religion, and it is naive to believe this display is disconnected from this phenomenon. Paganism creates the ability for each man to create his own truth, as opposed to Judaism and Christianity, which state that there is an objective truth man must abide by. The UN, like paganism, is a place of subjective reality created by a vote.”

Rabbi Dokow continued to issue a profound statement, something unexpected.
“What we are seeing in the world today is that every place Christianity grows weak, paganism and idolatry grow stronger, and where Christianity disappears, horrible things happen.”

Throughout politics, legislature, and social engineering anyone can see a decline and oftentimes brazen attacks on Abrahamic monotheism. This statue is innocuous in its own right, despite wielding the spear to signify the goddess's most warlike characteristics. Still, we would indeed be naive to view this as separate from the global dynamic at play because no matter what "preservaton" motives are expressed, this is a United Nations action in support of paganism.

"The reproduction of the Arch was first presented in April last year at London’s Trafalgar Square for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Week. The unveiling coincided with the most important pagan holiday of the year, Beltane, ushering in a 13-day period known in the occult as “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast”, which was traditionally celebrated with child sacrifice and bisexual orgies," Rabbi Adam Berkowitz wrote in BreakingIsraelNews.

Similarly to the displays of the Palmyra Victory Arch, this is to be shown at events which are connected to a world government outside of the rule of God. For this and another reason, the UN collaboration of these projects is prophetic.

Psalms 83:2-8 describes the meeting of these very parties and the spirit of their efforts.
"Because, behold, your enemies are enraged and your haters lift up the head against your people!
They forged a secret in their craftiness and counseled against your Holy Ones.
And they said, "Come, we will destroy them from the nation and the name of Israel will be remembered no more!"
Because they plotted together in their heart and established a covenant against you:
The tents of Edom and of Arabians and of Moab and of the Gadarenes*,
The borders of Ammon and of Amalek and of the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tsur.
Also the Assyrians have made agreement with them and they have been a help to the sons of Lot."

Here, you see the statue at the rear with its head removed, before the UN elected to "lift up the head;"

We at ABN have seen and reported on the very literal consequences of idolatry before. The devastation of Nepal's 2015 earthquake was one such example. Rome is being shaken and false churches broken from their foundations. Lord RayEl might answer this latest insult to our Heavenly Father with any number of disasters in Texas. Follow ABN to stay posted on the outcome.

Source Article, credit to Rabbi Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz for BreakingIsraelNews

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Idolatry at every corner. It's sad how the world ignores one of the first commandments we were given.

I can't help but notice that the "Victory Arch" was deployed at a UNESCO function. UNESCO is the main body in the UN fighting against Israel's validity. Figures.

This won't end well

They are just aching to get a spanking by the Lord. Especially by raising a pagan goddess of war. That is symbolic of them going to war against Christ. For anyone that things it doesnt mean anything, think again

No f%*king surprise there, REPENT TO RAYEL!!!

Wow, very informative, thanks for the read... And I'm not surprised they would erect a statue of a pagan idol who symbolizes war at a time like this. Too bad she won't save them from what's coming.

History tends to repeat itself...from a golden calf fast forward a lot to golden bull on Wall Street, to now golden Greek goddess...it doesn't usually pan out well to erect an idol...when will mankind learn??