Production designer Andrew L. Jones tackled the unique challenge of bringing the rich world of "Star Wars" to a live-action TV show setting for the very first time. His recently Emmy-winning work on Disney Plus' "The Mandalorian" carried a specific tradition from the Lucasfilm days, including fun Easter eggs and details that superfans of the franchise might recognize.
A now-famous example found in "The Mandalorian" is the camtono — a special safe seen when the eponymous bounty hunter is paid with bricks of beskar in the second episode.
The camtono was a real ice cream maker that was turned into a prop, first spotted for a brief second in the 1980 "Star Wars" movie "The Empire Strikes Back."
"There's another example that's interesting, although it's not so well-known," Jones told Insider in a recent interview. "It's from Docking Bay 94, where the Millennium Falcon is first seen."