The UN is making Migration a "Human Right" - The End of Borders Coming Soon!

in news •  6 years ago 


Marrakech, Morocco will host a UN conference on the 10th and 11th of December. There, basically, the plan is to declare "migration" a "human right".

I could try to summarize this, but I believe it worth a read in it's full context. Link below:

The lawlessness that will ensue, by thirdworlders will be devastating.

It's no wonder the King of Morocco caught the look of death from President Trump a few weeks back. His country will be hosting this abomination of a conference.

Trump look of death:

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Luckily more and more countries are refusing to sign.

I hardly need to ask, I'm certain Tsipras is signing away the rights of the Greeks - maybe even the right to call themselves Greeks.