Houston's Bane: Hurricane Harvey Brought Into Prophetic Focus

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Are you the sort of guy that shrugs off "prophecy" as something for the tabloids or for the mentally unbalanced?

Here's something to consider.

Houston's Bane was prophesied at least a year ago. I offer below some pieces related to Houston's Bane and the ruin befalling its people. The fourth largest city in the nation, with 7 or 8 great oil refineries and a nuclear power plant threatened by flood that refuses to shut down, opening the future to the even worse ruin of a second Fukushima meltdown and nuclear disaster in Heartland USA. These facts are reported in the media so that it is unnecessary to link the news pieces. A diabolical insanity reigns in this once proud city, wherein the rescuers are being fired upon as they try to carry out victims.

Note that this prophecy was first posted over a year ago:


Then look at the comments to this piece, many from over a year ago. From DavidM

Pamela, thank you for posting this. We moved out of Houston just over 3 years ago, because The Lord showed me Houston flooding and being destroyed. We moved about an hour north of Houston, but I know we still have to get out of here, because the flooding will be so great, that surrounding cities will even be destroyed. My wife and son did not want to moved again, so I asked The Lord to give them both a dream of this flooding, and sure enough they both were shown this destructive flooding, and now they both want to move. The Lord showed me 3 times to move to Kerrville, Texas, that this place will be a safe place. I still have lots of family members that live in Houston & surrounding cities that I am praying for. God bless you and your family.

From Rosemary:

DavidM, I lived in Houston for seven years. I had a dream about the city being flooded from at least a 100 ft wave. I knew then I needed to move. It was a couple years later that I moved to the Rockies. My parents live in Kerrville and I believe someone else on Z3 said that’s where they were going to move as well. May you “move” forward with you move!

Tom Peterson, writing exactly a year ago, posted this comment to Pamela:

Pamela, thanks for sharing this. The holy spirit has confirmed a lot of what you spoke to me. before you ever released this word I had a dream the night before, Saturday to Sunday. this is the dream, which I believe is a sign to confirm the prophetic confirmation of your word. I haven’t heard anyone say anything about Houston nor Texas before having this dream. Also, I am a nurse (RN)) by profession as well, and I looked back in my dream folder, and on the same day you had this vision I had a dream with the Lord directing me about nursing career decisions. Here is the dream recorded 8,28,16 from the night before: setting: I was on some beach. It felt like I was in Texas. However, because of the next part, it didn’t seem like it could be Texas (realistically, where a title wave would hit, doesn’t seem like it would be Texas, so it also kind of felt like perhaps we were at another coast, maybe the east coast). So in other words it seemed like we were both in Texas and the east coast (however that works). I’m facing out, looking out toward the ocean. There’s a news reporter a little closer to the ocean than I was with her back toward the ocean looking up in the direction towards where I was. So, we were facing opposite directions. My boss says, “the right wing has become so extremely polarized,” like really far out to the right in a very extreme way (and in the real life, my boss is the most right wing person I know). Then the news reporter with microphone in hand started saying with much cynicism, so where is this wave that everyone has been talking about that’s coming. I knew that she was in disbelief of it’s coming. She was talking about it in such a disbelief way. As she was speaking “so, where is this wave,” all of a sudden, I see this giant wave, maybe 80 to 120 feet tall right behind her. It was so close that it filled the entire scenery behind her, and was shortly to crash on the beach where we were. I had the thought, “she’s going to for sure be killed by the power of this wave; there’s no way she’s gonna survive this.” End of dream, didn’t see outcome.

Another prophet had a similar message that goes farther, and explains Harvey's mission as "Nature's reaction" to a particular ruling by the Supreme Court.


When we landed at Houston airport, we came out of the plane and we walked on the bridge. As soon as I stepped foot on Houston Airport, I heard the voice. I think this angel followed me. He said, “This city will be destroyed by a massive flood."

This, prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj shared with his audience at the 2015 Lancaster Prophetic Conference in Houston. He explained further:

When I got into the hotel room, I googled it. There were records of history of massive flooding in Houston. It did not make me very pleasant. I don’t know why this time this thing really bothered me very much. It has never bothered me in the past. I just didn’t know why it bothered me so much until two days later when I saw in the news the nation the highest legislation in the country has passed the same sex marriage law. Then I understood why.

You see, your judges are not just Supreme Court judges, but are judges of the land. What they pronounce, they have put a curse on their own country by opening a floodgate.

See the piece for more testimonies running along the same lines.

Prophecy abounds in our land these days, because sin abounds. The purpose of prophecy is not that it come true, but that the people change their lives and the prophecy not come true: the "successful prophecy" fails. Let's see how fellow Americans wise up and start to investigate for themselves the prophecies, and start to change. It would be a good thing, because the other prophecies are terrible, including famine, plague and nuclear war. I would like to see these prophecies "fail", which is to say, succeed in converting a very disoriented generation.

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