Nobody can deny that the Zionist propaganda is very strong, especially against the western communities who are mostly ignorant about historical facts and have been fed false propaganda by the victors of the wars over the past decades. You can attribute the Zionist propaganda to the enormous funding it has, again using the resources of the ignorant and lazy westerns to its benefits.
Therefore, it's not difficult for the Zionists to set a straight out lie and have the majority of western leaders support it despite being a sinister lie that would lead to evil doing against innocent people, in their millions.
In this context, we find the Zionists abusing all platforms to promote their propaganda whether in the media they control, newspapers, books, and online forums. Quora is one of those forums that is heavily infested with Zionist propaganda helped by the platform's own censorship against anything not in line with that propaganda.
A member of the Quora Q & A wiki platform asked this question: Syria lost the Golan Heights in a war it started. Why would Israel ever give back a buffer zone, that she has ancient claims to herself, and that she won as the spoils of war in a war that she did not start?
Since Syria is my country and I was asked for a reply, among others, I left my reply there which I'll be copying here to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship in everything pertaining to Israel, and to share the knowledge with the readers of this platform. This is what I replied to the above question with:
Historically, there was no such thing as Israel as a state in the Levant, let’s at least agree it never existed in the Golan since the topic is about it. All claims come from fictionary books printed in Europe and in New York.
The European Jewish settlers expelled from Europe by an evil cooperation between the Nazis, the British, and the Zionists, have been digging for decades to find anything relating to a temple built by King and Prophet Soleiman in occupied Palestine, there’s nothing. Palestine, part of Geographical and Natural Syria, predate Isreal to the extent that the very base of Israel, the Balfour Declaration, issued by the British empire illegally occupying Palestine to the pro-Zionist Rothschild who funded British wars in exchange explicitly says the destination land is Palestine:
Read this if you can and see the promise for a Zionist, not religious, establishment that shall not affect the religious and civil rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine. Palestine is mentioned twice in the very letter Israel’s entire existence is based upon, and the word Israel isn’t there.
The Balfour Declaration:
Therefore, saying ‘a war Syria started’ in your question is very far from the truth, you don’t ‘start’ a war to liberate your land, you fight back a war that was started by the aggressors who stole your land.
Israel will not give back the Golan to Syria, voluntarily, it will have to by force, if not now then later, time always works on the side of the land owners, that’s what history tells us throughout its known chapters for the past 6 millenniums, at least. Recent examples: European colonization of numerous countries which was unimaginable to be eliminated, the Ottoman Empire lasted over 400 years and then shrank to its current size, and so on.
The only problem will be what to do with the cannon fodders sent to settle on the Syrian Golan and the Palestinian lands? They have a very bad future awaiting them. Just like when ISIS was expanding with the help of the USA and the entire NATO and they settled their families in the homes of Iraqi and Syrians, where are they now and where are their families? Is that what the European Jewish settlers want to end up with their families in the near future?
Zionists can print thousands of books claiming whatever they want, but just a historical fact to the ones who think they’re righteous: Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic), was not a Jew, he predates Moses in hundreds of years, just consider if he’s the father of Ismael (Ishmael), the grandfather of the Arabs in Jazeera (current Saudi), and the grandfather of Jacob the father of Joseph who took brought his family to Egypt from Palestine, and decades later Moses appeared in Egypt in the house of the Pharoah, Moses who introduced Judaism…
Being a Jew is not an identity, it’s not a race, it’s not ethnicity, it’s not related to land, it’s a belief, a thought, an ideology, just like all other religions. Being a Jew does not entitle any rights or claims to any land, most of the Jews in Palestine followed Jesus, who was a Jew himself, and became Christians, then most of those followed Islam. Those are the people of Palestine the European Jewish Zionist settlers are trying to uproot. To make it closer to your minds: Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism, does that make her a Palestinian? What if she gets a divorce and falls in love with a Christian and converts back to Christianity, does that make her a Vatikanic? Or if she falls in love with a Muslim, Princess Diana did, and converts to Islam, does that make her a Saudi? Let that sink in.
So back to your question, Israel can keep hold of the Golan, against international law, as long as the USA and other Europeans are ready to send their troops to defend it and the US taxpayers are ready to prioritize the Israeli occupation of Arab land over their own basic needs, but once that balance tilts all those who promoted the notion of stealing other people’s land will have the burden of the lives of thousands of European Jewish settlers living on that stolen land on their shoulders, just like the families of ISIS now.
An insight into the future:
Israel's Next Confrontation with Hezb Allah will be Against a Whole Axis
Here’s a better solution for the European Jewish settlers in Palestine:
Amb. Jaafari: The USA Can Give Up a State or Two of its Own to Israel
End of my answer on Quora.
Your objective comments are always welcome.
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