THIS is what could start a Civil War! - The Government Taking Your Kids Because You Don't "Let" Them Get Gender Reassignment Surgery

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

I generally lean quite liberally in my social and economic views. There are some things that I can agree with regarding the Transgender movement, such as an adult having the legal right to change their gender. There are also things that I can't agree with regarding the Transgender movement. An interview I recently watched with Joe Rogan and a guest speaker struck a chord for me regarding what (at least for me) could start a Civil War. What they came to talk about was if the Government comes to take your kids away and essentially do medical procedures on them in order to turn them into a new gender based on conversations they have had at school. The topic was transgender rights, the transgender movement, and dangers regarding it.

The interview talks about some proposed legislation in Canada that says that if a kid says that they are a different gender, that the government can come and take the kid if you don't listen to them and begin transitioning. They would take the kid so that they can begin their transition. The guy speaking with Joe (Ben Shapiro, I think) says that if Government officials showed up trying to do that, he would meet them at the door with a gun and I can't blame him. In fact, I would do the EXACT SAME THING. I think that if you wouldn't, you are not acting as a good parent. I think that letting that happen would be abuse, it would be endangering the child, it would be inhumane, and it would be criminal. I think MOST parents would not let someone take their kids for that. That WOULD START A CIVIL WAR if that was a law. You can't take someone's kid and run medical procedures on them based on something said at school and literally change who they are, alter their body, and change their gender.

It is a TOUGH SPOT, hearing a kid talk about wanting to be a different gender. That being said, opinions change and feelings change; that is nature. The reason it is a tough spot is that, if somewhere down the line, AS AN ADULT, they still feel like they want to be a different gender, they are in a position where it is a little harder to transition successfully and to transition into a physical state they would be happy with. UNFORTUNATELY, we CAN'T let kids have the final decision. It can't be done. I TRULY DON'T BELIEVE that they are stable enough, wise enough, or intelligent enough to be able to decide that at a young age. There are INFINITE VARIABLES that could make someone feel like they should be a different gender and it is NOT NECESSARILY a reason to change their gender. You can feel free to disagree, but the Government CAN'T dictate what a parent's beliefs are (except in the rarest of circumstances, where NOT STEPPING IN will put a kid in IMMEDIATE PHYSICAL DANGER - wanting to be a different gender and not becoming it POSSIBLY causing emotional trouble later on DOES NOT APPLY, because it is a flip of a coin, the possibility being just as great OR GREATER that the emotional trouble will come as a result of changing genders and feeling different later) and you DON'T know that the kid will not regret that decision or hate who they are once it is done, and that was on your watch.

What I think the guy with Rogan is wrong about is that, in the future, it won't be possible to change people into women through genetic engineering. I think he is underestimating just how fast science progresses and just how unbending to failure some scientists are. There will be a time where even adults will be able to change into women (for better or worse), genetic code morphing them; I would bet a large sum of money that this will be possible within 100 years if our world isn't gone by then.

Below is the video with the interview, at the part mentioning the topic above:


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I'm with you, a child is not mature enough to make such a decision as this. Scary news.

No way a kid can know this kind what they want to be as far as gender is concerned. Their brains are not developed enough to make a rational decision. Sorry leave my kid alone!


Glad you stopped by.

I'm sorry, this is the silliest thing I've seen posted so far.
I can't see anyone coming to take anyone's kids away for gender reassignment. Not here, not Canada, not in any other democracy, and not even in a despot dictatorship.
Worry about real problems instead.
Stop wasting electrons and disk space with things like this.

lol It would be an extreme interpretation of the law, but it already exists... . I'm not saying any judge in their right mind would let it happen, but if it did, I can see people becoming violent.

You're right though, it likely would never go that far. Thankfully.

In general though, the law is pretty ridiculous and far too general. To make it so general is dangerous.

There's a line. Kids should have some choices, but they shouldn't have EVERY choice. Not until that choice is fully analyzed, explored, etc.

"Michael Couteau, the Minister of Child and Family Services, and who initially introduced the bill, said that he would consider parental discrimination on the basis of gender identity “a form of abuse when a child identifies as one way and a caregiver is saying ‘No, you need to do this differently.'”

He continued, “If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”"

The goal of the bill is pretty clear. I don't agree AT ALL with telling a kid how to think and feel. BUT, there kids are VERY IMPRESSIONABLE and need to be protected by their parents from making decisions that they may regret (40% suicide rate for trans people, I've hear - don't quote that figure though, look it up).

The only gray area is 'if it's abuse, and if it's within the definition'; that's the only place where an argument can be made.