R.I.P. Ronald Lee Ermey "Gunny"

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Image sourced from http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/04/15/full-metal-jacket-actor-r-lee-ermey-dies-at-age-74.html

It's the circle of life and this man lived his life to the fullest. Unfortunately, Mr. Ermey lost his recent battle with pneumonia and has passed away.

I don't know if I'm getting softer in my old age or what, but when I first found out about his death, it truly saddened me. Not just a little bit either, it really bothered me that we've lost a great man in this country. I have so much respect for this man. He was a true American badass. I think that's why I respect him so much. That and also that he served our country when we needed real men to step up to the plate. He served our country proudly during the Vietnam War. He wasn't drafted, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps at the age of 17 in 1961. It was not until 1968 that he was ordered to Vietnam where he would serve 14 months! 14 months in Vietnam guys, could you even imagine? I wouldn't want to try and my mind is already jacked up. He was later medically discharged in 1972 due to several injuries he had sustained. Badass badge earned, son!

Image sourced from https://goo.gl/images/xR8XNA

One of my favorite quotes by Gunny:

"I don't have any respect at all for the scum-bags who went to Canada to avoid the draft or to avoid doing their fair share." ~ R. Lee Ermey

Most of you know him from his acting role in the movie Full Metal Jacket and Mississippi Burning. He was a very talented actor and he just didn't play hard-ass roles. He also was a very comical guy which I greatly appreciate! I love comedy! He played in Saving Silverman which was a really funny movie if you haven't seen it. I'm not going to go through his entire acting career but you can find it here if you wish to have a look see. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Lee_Ermey

The last show I remember seeing him on was a weapons related show called "Locked and Loaded With R. Lee Ermey". His showbiz career was blackballed apparently due to his political beliefs, "anti-obama". I don't think he cared too much to be honest.

Ahhh, Team Glock! I knew we had something in common!


Thanks for all the entertainment that you have given us over the years. And most of all, thank you for your prestigious service to our country, Gunny. Rest well my friend. @bluelightbandit


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You are right.
He seemed to be a right thinking man.
Unfortunately for all of us. The wars are mostly political.
But, -our- understanding has been to protect and secure our homeland.
That is where he did shine for all of to see what real men do.
Again, our politicians have done a very poor job in protecting and securing our homeland. It is about power and money for a lot of them.

Wars will finally be over in the future. Since we don't hate or dislike anyone in our world of another nation.
It is the leaders that promote and instigate wars.
It was possible because of our fiat central banking system of finance.
If all the weaponry had to actually be paid for.
All wars would soon end. The gold, silver. and other assets would soon be depleted.
The fighting men and women would return home.
That is what cryptos is going to do for us.
Make life and finance real once again.
Our hats are off for your/our friend, the hero.
He truly was and is a hero.
He did what he believed to be right and followed thorough with it.
That is the foundation of a nation.
Thank you


Well said, Francis.

It's never the sons or daughters of the persons who decide when boots are put on the ground in the theatre of war.

I think killing people accomplishes nothing... well, with the exception of filling body bags.

Thankfully there are still people who can critically think for themselves and have the courage to follow their convictions, regardless of whether their position or stance is popular or not.

Just for the record, I think that the draft dodgers (as they were called) demonstrated this same level of critical thinking. (In my humble opinion.)

Not looking to ruffle any feathers because the topic of war is, in itself, a powder keg of a controversial debate...just my 2 cents on the topic.

And I respect your humble opinion. War and the taking of another human life is a very delicate and touchy subject, one that is difficult to discuss or debate via text. That's why I try to steer clear of getting balls deep in to the topic online, it's too easy to get heated and blown out of porportion.

Agreed! I'll do my best not to suck you in too far...(What else could I say...) ;)

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RIP Gunny. Full metal jacket is one of my favorite movies! BDE2AF93-0543-49E5-9E49-7884F63890BB.jpeg

A true classic. Really gonna miss that guy.