French President Emmanuel Macron said the UN Security Council no longer provides good solutions to global problems,

in news •  4 years ago 

French President Emmanuel Macron said the UN Security Council no longer provides good solutions to global problems, in remarks published on Monday, and called for an overhaul of international cooperation mechanisms.

La star russe montante Andrey Rublev, 23 ans, insiste sur le fait qu'il ne veut pas se reposer sur ses lauriers après être entré dans le top 10 car il veut continuer à s'améliorer et s'établir comme l'un des meilleurs joueurs du Tour.

Rublev, qui jouit d'un classement au sommet de sa carrière et qui occupe le huitième rang mondial, connaît une saison exceptionnelle puisqu'il a remporté cinq titres jusqu'à présent et s'est qualifié pour la finale de l'ATP Nitto.


Le Russe, qui doit faire sa première apparition aux finales ATP de Nitto, ne sera certainement pas pris pour acquis par un adversaire à l'O2 Arena, car il a prouvé à de nombreuses reprises cette année qu'il était capable de jouer un tennis de haut niveau.

"Je n'y crois pas réellement en ce moment", a déclaré Rublev à Tennis Majors. "Je veux dire, bien sûr, je comprends que cette année mon niveau est peut-être assez pour être dans le top 10 parce et que je suis dans le top 10, mais je ne sens pas ca comme réel.
J'espère qu'il ne m'arrivera pas, comme cela est arrivé à de nombreux joueurs, qui ont fait une saison extraordinaire, qui sont rentrés dans le top 10 et puis soudain ils en sont sortis et n'ont pas pu y revenir"


Rublev veut continuer à progresser en tant que joueur.
"Donc le principal objectif pour moi est vraiment d'essayer de voir si je peux garder ce niveau, si je peux continuer à m'améliorer, et si je peux être dans ce top 10 pendant un certain temps et voir ainsi je peux me mesurer aux meilleurs joueurs, parce qu'il y a tellement de choses que je dois encore améliorer.

Et il y a beaucoup de joueurs qui font certaines choses bien mieux que moi. Et ces choses, je dois les changer et les améliorer pour pouvoir être au top pendant un certain temps", a ajouté Rublev. Le Jeune Russe a donné le coup d'envoi de sa campagne pour la finale de l'ATP Nitto dimanche, Contre Rafael Nadal, 20 fois champion du Grand Chelem.

Nadal, classé numéro 2 mondial, n'a pas remporté de titre en salle depuis plus de sept ans, tandis que Rublev s'appuie sur ses récentes victoires à Saint-Pétersbourg et à Vienne.


"Mes espoirs pour cette semaine sont de montrer mon meilleur, d'avoir le sentiment, lorsque je sors, que je donne le meilleur de moi-même et que je ne peux me juger (mal) pour rien, de savoir que je donne mon cent pour cent et que j'ai fait mon maximum, et que je ne peux rien faire de mieux", a déclaré Rublev.

La star canadienne du tennis, Denis Shapovalov, est ravi de son expérience passée en Bulgarie pour la première fois, et il a insisté sur le fait qu'il est arrivé à Sofia sans grandes attentes car il veut juste profiter d'une autre semaine passée sur le court de tennis.

Shapovalov, qui a subi une défaite choc au premier tour à Vienne contre Jurij Rodionov il y a deux semaines, s'est retiré du Paris Masters de la semaine dernière et a ainsi perdu toutes ses chances de se qualifier pour la Finale Nitto ATP de d’année à Londres.

Après qu’il s soit retiré du Paris Masters, on pouvait croire que le numéro 12 mondial se retirerait également du tournoi de Sofia et qu’il terminerait ainsi sa saison, mais le Canadien a décidé de se présenter en Bulgarie et de participer au tournoi.


"Le tournoi est vraiment sympa. Ils font un très bon travail avec les joueurs. C'est ma première fois en Bulgarie, mais il semble que j'ai beaucoup d'amour et de fans ici, donc c'est toujours incroyable de venir dans des pays où vous avez beaucoup de soutien.

Je suis vraiment heureux d'être ici et heureux également de pouvoir jouer un autre tournoi. Je veux dire, je n’ai pas d'attentes, je veux juste jouer un peu plus au tennis et je suis vraiment excité d'être ici", a déclaré Shapovalov lors de sa conférence de presse virtuelle à Sofia.

Shapovalov fait l'éloge du favori des fans, Grigor Dimitrov
L’ancien No. 10 mondial Shapovalov a été interrogé au sujet du meilleur joueur de tennis bulgare qui n’est autre que Grigor Dimitrov.

Le Canadien n'a eu que du bien à dire sur le Bulgare. Dimitrov, classé No. 19 mondial, a remporté huit titres au cours de sa carrière et son meilleur classement a été celui de No.


3 mondial. Dimitrov a fait des demi-finales de chaque Grand Chelem à l'exception de Roland-Garros et il a remporté son plus grand titre lors de la Finale Nitto ATP en 2017. "Oh ouais, bien sûr. Je veux dire, Grigor est là depuis tant d'années et c'est un joueur incroyable.

J'ai l'impression qu'il a vraiment beaucoup apporté au tennis bulgare. J'ai vu tellement de gars venir de Bulgarie, donc c'est assez incroyable ce qu'il a pu faire pour le pays", a déclaré Shapovalov à propos de Dimitrov.

"Les installations ici sont magnifiques, ils ont fait un excellent travail avec le stade, les courts d'entraînement aussi, je ne me souviens plus comment on appelle cet endroit mais c'est super sympa, beaux courts et super bel endroit. C'est donc vraiment agréable de voir que le tennis est si beau ici."

Multilateral frameworks "are weakened today, because they are blocked", Macron said in an interview with website Le Grand Continent.


"I cannot help but observe that the United Nation's Security Council no longer produces useful solutions today," Macron said.

Except for one video conference in April, the Council - whose permanent members are the United States, China, Britain, France and Russia - has not communicated on the global Covid pandemic.

Macron said "everybody is jointly responsible when some institutions become hostages of the crisis in multi-lateralism", such as the World Health Organisation.

The incumbent candidate for President of the United States (US) Republican Party Donald Trump has acknowledged his opponent Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 US Presidential Election, Friday (6/11/2020).


It should be noted beforehand, the United States (US) held a democratic party for the election of the President and Vice President.

The democratic party, which is held once every four years, started on Tuesday (3/11/2020).

There are two candidates running for the US election, namely Joe Biden from the Democratic Party and Donald Trump from the Republican Party.

The figures of Donald Trump and Joe Biden are old figures in the White House, this time they are fighting to become number one in the United States (US).

Anheuser-Busch thinks that the best games console is one that can also store a couple of cans of the cold stuff. The brewery is launching BL6, a gaming PC in the shape of a six-pack with a built-in projector and, naturally, a couple of koozies to keep your light beers cold. Never one to say no to a techy marketing stunt, it’s the latest in a long series of gadgets and gizmos created by the beer brand.


The brewery is putting its tongue far into its cheek with the BL6, a product it compares to some other next-generation consoles that came out recently. And while Microsoft and Sony’s efforts can probably beat it spec-for-spec, neither rival machine comes with its own beer cooler, does it. It’s auctioning off a model, with all proceeds going to the National Restaurant Foundation. That money will support the charity’s “Change Is On The Menu” program, which helps train people in the food service industry.

PCMag has actually spent some time with a BL6 unit, and says that the PC part of the machine is a Windows 10-running machine with an Intel Core i7 chip and 16GB of RAM. That’s paired up with an ASUS ZenBeam 720 Projector, and a pair of 8BitDo N30 Pro+ gamepads. It’s also packing its own battery, which the company says will run for two hours before you need to head back to a wall socket. It’s likely that the machine only has integrated graphics, but with enough grunt to run games like Tekken 7, Soul Calibur ViI and RBI Baseball 2020.

Should you feel so compelled, you can bid for the BL6 over at Shop Beer Gear, with the current bid likely to have increased from the $100 currently there by the time this is published.

A “crisis” is generally defined by an acute, time-bound period of disruption, hardship, or challenge. A crisis comes, and it goes. And when it does, calm and a return to normal typically follow. Yet, what happens when crises follow one another at an accelerating scale and pace? How do you respond when the crisis is the new normal?


When the COVID-19 pandemic took hold around the world in March, there was a massive surge of organizations tumbling into immediate crisis, as the crisis caused an urgent and often existential need of the employees and customers of these entrepreneurs for basic goods - be it food, education or healthcare.

In response, Open Road Alliance, an emergency funder of social entrepreneurs across the world, doubled its grantmaking budget to rapidly support entrepreneurs operating on the front line of the crisis. However, within days, the number of grant requests far outnumbered the funds available, with no end in sight for the pandemic.

Applied Systems recently wrapped up its Applied Net 2020 Virtual Conference. It was the largest Applied Net yet, with over 12,000 insurance professionals tuning in from around the world to engage in over 120 education sessions, featuring over 180 speakers and presenters. It’s safe to say the insurance technology giant did not let the COVID-19 pandemic rain on its parade.

Over eight days of thought-provoking content and virtual networking, Applied gave attendees valuable insights, tools and techniques needed to succeed on their digital path forward. There was a virtual exhibit hall, live demos of new Applied products, and plenty of networking opportunities via the networking lounge. All focus was on the digital path forward – the theme of Applied Net 2020 – which the firm says is “fueled by innovation and driven by diversity.”


“At Applied, we’re leading the way. We’re lighting the digital path forward, connecting the digital ecosystem of insurance with practical innovation, creating productivity, simplicity and intelligence, and driving value to our industry like never before,” Applied announced in its opening video, setting the tone for the conference as innovative and inspiring. “While today feels uncertain, we’re here as your partner, working together to make change and opportunity – for each other and our industry – challenging conventional thinking to create new realities for a stronger tomorrow […] As we travel this digital path forward, it’s up to us to put lives back together, restart businesses, rebuild communities, and dream new dreams.”

Read next: Applied shares vital tools to help insurance agencies on their digital path forward

The educational sessions at Applied Net 2020 covered a wide range of topics, from mobile and data analytics, to the cloud and more, providing attendees with crucial insights about their Applied technology investment, industry trends and best practices.

This year’s guest speakers included: Applied CEO Taylor Rhodes (pictured, top), who announced two new product launches; Michael Howe (pictured, below), EVP of product management at Applied, who unveiled the latest Applied product innovations and roadmap; Applied Client Network CEO Brian Langerman, who discussed how Applied Client Network helps clients make the most of their Applied technology investment; and Rich Belanger, EVP of product development at Applied, who talked through the firm’s product portfolio evolution and discussed Applied’s expanded partnership with Google.


“While we couldn’t predict a global pandemic or the massive economic fallout it has and will continue to create, this is now our new reality,” Rhodes said in his keynote address. “So, the question is, what can we do together during this time to help accelerate your journey to the digital future? How can we use this crisis to help you become a more resilient agency or carrier – to help you emerge from this crisis as a stronger and more valuable business?”

One of the new tools launched by Rhodes during the conference is Applied Marketing Automation, the industry’s first natively integrated marketing automation application, which enables agents and brokers to quickly build and track marketing email campaigns, while also delivering relevant and timely content to P&C and employee benefits clients and prospects.

Product management leader Howe commented: “We believe the true power of becoming a digital agency comes not only from the capabilities of individual products, but also in how they work and integrate beautifully together to provide the agency with a more seamless set of end-to-end workflows and common data.” Applied Marketing Automation is digitally integrated into Applied Epic, giving agents and brokers immediate access to the tool via their management system.


“Agencies and brokerages have historically found it challenging to attract and actively engage both prospects and customers,” Howe added. “As the competitive pressure in the market now increases, many are now looking to improve how they market the unique strengths of their business to both existing customers to protect the existing book, but also to generate new business leads that can drive growth at the agency.”

The second tool that Applied launched was IVANS Submissions via Indio, a solution for end-to-end commercial submissions management that enables insurers to more quickly and easily market appetite directly to agencies and automate submissions data exchange between systems. By tapping into the IVANS network of 32,000 agencies, IVANS Submissions enables insurers to efficiently reach the right agents with the right products to increase ease of doing business and drive the most profitable premium growth.

“We’ve all heard the joke that we should just delete 2020 and move on, but instead, what if we look at 2020 as the year we all finally get serious about the digital changes we need to make to build stronger bonds with our customers, to equip our precious employees with the tools they need to work more intelligently, and to build more resiliency into our businesses?” said Rhodes. “If we’re honest with each other, the insurance industry overall, and especially the independent agency channel, didn’t do as well as some other industries in the last digital inflection [after the Great Recession]. We still have some catching up to do to really harness the value of our digital future.”

That’s what the Applied Net 2020 Virtual Conference was all about – helping independent agencies plot their digital paths forward with confidence, so that they can emerge as stronger, more resilient, and more valuable companies after the COVID crisis and beyond.
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