Who is Soleimani, and why does he matter (and other stuff...just read it!)

in news •  5 years ago 

First of all it is a shame when a human has to die, but some people are bent on killing other people and the only way to stop them is by releasing them from having to live.

There was an Iranian general named Soleimani, and evidently he was planning on attacking 4 U.S. Embasies. Meanwhile democrats are like 'I do not see no credible evidence'...well its obvious that democratic leaders are viewing an alternate reality, so I am not suprised that they do not think a known killer is dangerous.


I want people to see the obvious division line...its not about democratic voters vs republican voters vs independent voters, but if a person wants to speak in generalities then just look at President Trump. Most of the people that are on team Trump represent some sort of moral sanity, and the people that are Trump bashers...well what do you call a group of people that wants to kill babies, take the men/women signs off of bathrooms, give free passes to allow criminals to comit crimes while they erase all borders...and these people have the nerve to tell people like us that 'they have a sophisticated view' (at the basic level I'll say that they are nuts) but when it comes down to it many people that think that things need to be ran that way are demon posesed.

Democratic front runner (which is a way to say if the elections were held tomorow 'so and so' would recieve the parties nomination) Right now the democrats do not know how to stop the Trump train that is destroying there party which supports values that are destroying are country and our world (that right GOD is using Trump to smash world corruption) But anyway a front runner in the democratic party thinks that we should continue to have a policy of apeasment


(which is like me telling a bully 'oh you got me good that time but make sure that you do not cross that line', and then when they do cross that line we say 'it was proably a mistake..it was proably a mistake but to make sure that you respect the boundries I will pay you.) A person that talks like that already has a name!

I think people know that I am a GOD fearing man that Loves peace, but sometimes I think the approaite move is to kill some people (why would I say that) Because I know that there are certain people that do not respect anything and if its my job to gaurd the door, what would I be doing if I let a dangerous person past me. It would be incorrect for me to say 'now it somebody elses problem.

In other crazy news, a democratic presidential canadate (Michael Bloomberg) said that if he does not win the backing of the democratic party he will use up to $1 billion (that not a typo, I meant billion) of his own money to help defeat President Donald Trump. So I am declarring/decreeing that the funds that are designated to be used to defeat Donald Trump GOD is going to confuse thoes transactions and the money will end up supporting the re-election of Trump, not only will Donald Trumps campaign be helped but also the patriotic movement that is happening all over this world will recieve a boost...and just so you know Trump will win the presidential election in 2020!

Elections are in November of 2020 and if you are used to sitting on the sidelines, you need to get out and vote. (that should make it harder for the globalists to claim that you voted for there canadate) I think that other people issues will be voted for in November, and remember 'my advice is' If a canadate is ok with the killing of inocent babies, if they want to take things from people (I dont care if it is a bb gun, thats your bb gun and you have a right to have it), and or if they want to blur what it means to have entered this country illeagealy. In my oppinion these are the type of loosers that do not deserve to be in charge of anything)

(pass it on)

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