First evidence that the Trappist-1 system might contain Water

in news •  8 years ago 


Back in February, NASA announced the discovery of Trappist-1, a solar system with seven Earth-like planets that may contain water.

Now, an international team of scientists has found further evidence that these planets might be habitable. Using data from Space Telescope Imaging Spectograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope, the scientists investigated the amounts of ultraviolet radiation impacting each planet in the system, which could provide further insights into their atmospheres.

From the STIS data, they were able detect escaped hydrogen gas around the atmosphere of each planet, which helps to determine the likelihood of atmospheric water vapour, and found that the two innermost planets could have lost vast amounts of water — as much as 20 Earth-oceans worth over the last 8 billion years, and that the five remaining planets, including the three in the system's habitable zone, have lost much less water and might still have some water remaining on their surfaces.

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You know, even if i never leave this planet. Maybe someday getting to know what is really out there will be pretty fucking legit. Nothing but love to all the explores creators and inventers in the world. I love to question everything ive ever known so i can one day figure out what i as an individual truly believe and not what i was told to believe. Thanks for the post my friend.

I would love to be on the first ship out to travel to another galaxy. I'm a space nerd haha . . I just hope that they have the time dilation issues solved by then.

Hey, can you make a verification post? I'd like to give you upvotes from the science team but I can't be certain if you are really you... typically it's just a selfie with a piece of paper with your username written on it & date. If so your science stuff could get some decent upvotes!

Apologies for the (very) late reply @mobbs. Yes, I can verify that I really am me - see below for the requested selfie.


lol what the hell... possibly the slowest reply in all of steemit =P

hahaha. You maybe right!