Bernie Sanders Calls On The American People To Fight...
Elite Today... Bernie a "Badass..." Or just another brick in the wall???
Sanders mural "will be demolished..."
“Friendly Fire?” Bernie Sanders Supporter Shot Outside UW Protest
The speech that led to the 'Red Square' bloodshed...
No, it isn’t radical Islam or Marxist-Feminism, it’s cyberbullying..."
Seattle Times... Man shot at UW no racist, friends insist, despite shooter’s claim
Suspect described as "Asian" male...
LAT... The suspect was released without charges pending further investigation...
Salon peddle narrative shooter was acting in self defense from white supremacist...
The Stranger.... UW Republicans to Protestors After Shooting: "It's Time Your Flame is Put Out"
Rolling Stone Fake News... Trump ran "explicitly white-nationalist platform..."
Trump Blocks Syrian Refugees and Orders Mexican Border Wall to Be Built...
Infowars... Ron Paul says Trump is trying to stop global collapse...