" 51% Attack On Ethereum Classic As Soon As Possible"

in news •  9 years ago  (edited)

Chandler Guo, stated that he will 51% attack Ethereum Classic as soon as possible assisted by other miners. Using www.powtopos.com

¿The old bockchain still have PoW?

The development team of Ethc is either very distracted or very ambitious, they choose to retain the vastly discarded chain without changing proof of work.

This didn't seem like a big deal but yesterday, @poloniex, one of the biggest altcoin exchanges shocked the community this morning by listing a full insecure coin, #Ethereum Classic, that has barely any miners.
Ethc’s chain has almost no hashpower for the the chain and can easily be hacked. This is dangerous to traders, they may lose all of their #money as the coin is fully insecure. And this is making price fluctuations worse.

¿What are your thoughts on this?

#bitcoin #blockchain #steemit #poloniex

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cant wait to see he failing and helping etc pump.

So this means we should stay away from mining ETC?

No, if you mine Ethc and you sell it for btc on poloniex it's fine. Just don't buy ethc for trading, it's dangerous

People always want for their opinion above the wills of others.

Why not keep the old , for those who voted or are against the hard fork .

because it is unsafe , they are thinking about the security of your investment

In all that nonsense it is time for Steem to take number 2 in market cap.

I think both chains will die. Perhaps Ethereum Classic will be slaughtered...even though they were right to create it.

why do you think Ethereum's hardfork blockchain will die?

Die is harsh. I don't think people will trust it as much as they did before the hardfork. They exercised authority in what should be a decentralized and unmanaged blockchain.