Meme Wars? | Gaslighting 101 by Crowdsource the Truth

in news •  7 years ago 


Nah just some kids playing a game that they have already lost. Sometimes you just gotta having out with hot chicks and help when with their website. I'm spending this one just kinda looking into information about other things and make some points.

That's what I'm doing today. Every time these guys start back into the Gaslighting campaign they have been running it's always something new. Looks like I'm Kylo Ren and the leader of the darkside? They also seems to have finally doxxed Queentut AKA Susun lutsky, it was only a matter of time till Jason decided to use his #1 weapon when rebuking confidential informants that has turned on him for his personality. How many of these confidential informants has he doxxed live on air now? Let's see, Frank Bacon, White Rabbit, Queen Tut, Dagwood to name a few I can think off the top of my head. He really went the extract distance on this own by posted the above meme with her photo on it. I guess he wasn't happy about Tut sharing information that Jason Sends Dick Pics to girls. I mean it's not a crime but it's never been a part of my MO. It's funny but not illegal so It makes me think this could be another one of those school play's they love to try out so much. I'll be honest I didn't spend to much time looking into it other then to make local recordings and online copies for safe keeping.

It's been an interesting few weeks and I figured they would be done with this campaign by now but it looks like that really dug in now that another ally has feel out of favor due to Hitler's actions on the Crowdsource the truth community. I haven't seen any good information being delievered over the last few days, I mean I guess they don't like Hoax wars, but if anyone know my channel I don't trust the video making hoaxers farther than I can throw them. I guess I was mean to him, but actions are the real determination of worth of self. It was crazy to have him all of a sudden have come up with LTV and a few other people connected with this gaslighting campaign. I think he didn't get that I was made he allowed himself to get roped into the Goodman Gaslight Machine because I hurt his feelings. I'll be the first one to say you better have some thick skin. I had a dream about him talking to Queentut a few months ago and it came true. I'm just not buying this new queentut information. To me this is clearly just an operation, they saw that Hoax was and I where having troubles and decided to try and use it to inject some fake information so they can turn around and actually get some lawsuits going. Goodman must of talked to a lawyer that told him he doesn't have a case unless he can provide actual proof of his claims as opposed to his word. You can box up a turd in a box and wrap it up but it's still a turd in a box.

Viewing probabilities of based on past actions and making adjustments for new information the future of this event seems clear. Their current school play is going to bomb harder than that star wars movie that just came out.

Here is the link to their Video

Past Gaslighting Reports - Stay updated on the Current Events.

I'll be doing this reporting for you guys and for the upcoming legal matters I feel are coming. No problem in very super prepared

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What you have here is a case of Insane Paranoids getting caught up in and bothered by what another bunch of insane paranoids are up to; everyone is projecting their own BS (belief systems) into the mix and jumping to hilarious conclusions. This would be Comedy Gold for entertaining views if it weren't for the fact that I too am one of the insane paranoids caught up in the gaff.

The Queen Tut reveal was a Dream I had too... so there's that : /


Their CSTT bs stinks to high heaven lately. I don't even need to make an "exposed" video for GW or JG because they are exposing themselves. Meme wars, I was listening to those two morons whine about memes for like 1 minute and clicked off. This JG drama bullshit needs to come to an end. Just quit already and go back to being a Hollywood scumbag who hits on 19 year olds ok JG?