How The Millennial Generation Went from Eating Tide Pods to Being the Poster Children for Gun ControlsteemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)


I try not to pay too much attention to the main stream media…I think it makes people dumber and less informed on most subjects. The event that took place in Parkland was no exception and didn’t take long before the agenda of gun control was regurgitated in the form of tragedy porn produced by media whores. This time they took it to a new level by pimping high school kids to push their agenda for them. I’m not trying to trivialize the seriousness of the problem or the pain it has caused in the lives of those affected…this is simply putting into perspective the crisis, reaction and solution of human engineering in pursuit of an agenda.

The new slogan being pushed by the mainstream media and special interest groups is “Listen to the Kids.” The Millennial Generation…best known for eating Tide Pods, dousing themselves in rubbing alcohol to set themselves ablaze, throwing boiling water on unsuspecting peers and of course the latest demonstration of teenage wisdom…snorting condoms. If I understand the rationale correctly…this self-absorbed, self-entitled, selfie-taking, over-indulged generation that couldn’t possibly be taken seriously by anyone but themselves…is now the voice of gun control and we’re all supposed to listen them?


If you listen to these misguided children, you would believe a “white male” is hiding around every corner with an AR-15 waiting to murder them. In reality, they belong to the bully generation that is well-known for their cruelty toward one another. Is it any surprise that the peers subjected to their cruelty eventually lash out in anger and hatred?

To make this charade even more bizarre…the sick little bastard that committed the murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has been bombarded with a massive amount of fan mail written by “regular everyday teenage girls from across the nation,” according to his Public Defender Howard Finkelstein. If we listen to these kids, we’d understand that Nikolas Cruz “could use a good friend right now.”


Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie ~ Khaled Hosseini

There have been approximately 15,000 gun-related deaths per year over the past two years, with suicide typically accounting for 60% and approximately 33% being homicide related. That means approximately 4,950 people are murdered annually with firearms out of a population of approximately 328 million (0.0015%). Only 317 people were killed by rifles in 2016, compared to 1,604 that were killed by knives. The problem seems drastically less severe in that context.

According to the CDC, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2015. That means that six teens ages 16–19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries. I lost count of how many times I’ve watched these young drivers swerving back and forth on the highway while texting. Yet…there is no outrage by the public…no teens demanding an increase in the legal age to drive…no teen demands to increase penalties for their peers violating the law. Despite this lack of concern for the safety of other people…the teens demand that everyone submit to their demands.

I attended the “March for Our Lives” event in Orlando that took place on March 24, 2018. Although I disagree with the propaganda, I do not lack compassion and went to the event with an open mind. In the worst-case scenario, I would at least have an opportunity to snap some good photos.

Without a doubt…there were many people that attended the out of compassion and genuine concern for public safety. It didn’t take long before the speakers turned the conversation from gun control to the subject of race. One young woman was incensed that the media was not referring to mass shooters as “white terrorists.” Perhaps this is because terrorism is usually perpetrated with some sort of ideology. Nikolas Cruz is a murderer…plain and simple. I don’t know what motivates a person to commit such a selfish and senseless act…there isn’t a way to rationalize that sort of demonic behavior.


The biggest problem that we face in America is the intentional division of our society perpetrated by special interests that oppose each other on various matters. This psychological operation is creating negative emotions that will rage like an uncontrollable river when the dam finally breaks. It will be a sad day when the pawns that are being used as props realize that nobody really cared about their feelings and understand that they were used to fulfill and agenda. Nobody benefits more than the special interest groups surrounding gun control…the NRA receives more donations and more guns are sold after these rallies…then the gun control interest solicit their side for donations…both sides displaying an irrational approach to the problem of violence.


On a personal level, I will always lean toward the side of freedom and I don’t believe in subcontracting my right to self-preservation to law enforcement. If we continue down this path of societal breakdown, I suspect the violence will increase and the right to self-preservation of law abiding citizens should not be impeded. The bottom line is that criminals don’t obey laws and it’s difficult to stop a person that is committed to hurting others…Chicago serves as a perfect example with that regard. In this case, there were institutional failures that allowed an unbalanced person the opportunity to commit an unspeakable act. It’s those failures that should be the primary focus.


Is the solution arming teachers…most likely not. However, law abiding citizens with a permit should not be limited as to where they can carry…a teacher is no exception. At least that person will have the opportunity to preserve their own life and hopefully the lives of others.


We need to use caution when discussing the relinquishment of our rights. The Patriot Act, NDAA and NSA spy programs should serve as a perfect example of giving up our right to privacy, which will never be returned. Addressing the problem of violence by restricting law abiding citizens will not have an impact on the thoughts and motivations of murderers. We are a country that celebrates violence by supporting the movie, music and video game industries that promote violence. We’ve been a nation desensitized by perpetual wars perpetrated by both parties. We are a reality TV society that thrives on self-centered behavior and conflict. Why are we surprised when someone violently derails?

What is the solution? It’s certainly not trusting corrupt politicians that turn anything they touch into complete shit and what has been proposed will not likely achieve the desired outcome. Perhaps it simply starts with compassion for each other that isn’t limited to the events of tragedy. To have the same compassion toward children in other countries killed by American weaponry as we do with the children in our own country. It’s critical that we find solidarity and stop dividing ourselves by being brainwashed into group think…to find the areas where we agree. We must value life…all life.

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Just putting it out there, were you part of the pet rock generation?

Ha worse...Gen-X...known for parachute pants, white suburban kids break dancing and shitty 80s music.

You last point of corrupt government is my belief of why these protest are allowed across the country. The government has found a topic that has made the children today willing to speak out in front of the authority. A method to lure the young generation to fulfill a role in politics for the future. I agree with you that I do not think these protests will change anything but make it worse.

Heck just the other day teachers across the country are protesting for higher pay. Everyone has their own agenda. Government included. The irony of all this is that change happens with the people first, not with government intervention.

Whether it is white, black, male, or female we are all human beings. We gone through too long arguing and protesting when in fact we each should act upon what we want to have. Children should talk to each other and make their environment open friendly to all so that they can be more aware of spotting trouble peers.

Government should stop arguing and do the right thing when taking actions. Stop getting hefty paychecks so that nothing gets done and start putting the money on protecting the kids. Guns do not kill people, people kill people.

If rich politicians were working in the interest of the people...they would require neither a check...nor the raises that they vote for themselves. Government cannot do anything for us that we cannot do for ourselves.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you for this post.

I agree with 90% of this post.

The only thing that bothers me about is the confusion of "Millenials" with "Gen Z."

On a personal level, I will always lean toward the side of freedom and I don’t believe in subcontracting my right to self-preservation to law enforcement.

Damn right.

We are a country that celebrates violence by supporting the movie, music and video game industries that promote violence.

I agree with this and I don't agree with this:
We do support the industries because we keep buying their products, but we have always been a pretty violent country before the violence in movies, games, and music showed up. There has been no correlation or causation found from numerous studies on the topic. There are ratings for a reason and if you don't want the younger people to buy/play these violent games or watch the movies then don't buy them for that person. A-16-year old cannot go into a store and buy a game rated M nor can a 16-year-old go into a movie theatre and purchase a ticket for a rated R movie.

I've been addressed on the Millenial / Gen Z I'll stand corrected. However, I don't see a major difference between the two. Also, this is a generalization...I don't think every person from either generation follows the same steps...I see some potential from both...but also some serious issues with both.

I agree...we are country that was created through violence. My point was more to the kids that are demanding change while they drive down the road listening to music glorifying violence, they pay to watch movies with violence and then playing games with violence...none of which I have any personal objection. Nobody should be restricted because another person is committing an irrational act...which was the purpose of what I was trying to express.

However, it does seem a bit hypocritical to complain about violence while simultaneously receiving pleasure from its entertainment. I feel the same way toward a politician that demands gun control and then votes to destroy countries in the middle east where other people are being murdered with the weapons being supplied by the US.

I don't think every person from either generation follows the same steps...I see some potential from both...but also some serious issues with both.

All generations suffer from this and they always will.

I feel the same way toward a politician that demands gun control and then votes to destroy countries in the middle east where other people are being murdered with the weapons being supplied by the US.

You seem a bit more Libertarian than anything else. Quite interesting, actually.

Well said. Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome...hopefully we can pull it together as a society. It seems like people are just waiting for the opportunity to express their unhappiness in any way possible.

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OMG. That's it, time to BAN ALL CARS.

I've had enough of these freedom lovin' motorists.

These machines are dangerous and these immoral people who sell them are allowed to advertise on our televisions.

Don't even get me started on all of the second-hand cars being sold down back alleys and car-parks by machine touting menaces who don't care about all the death.

You can keep your millennials... I'm grabbing the snowflake generation for my campaign who will stand on the highway and cry in order to get their own way. Haha.

Great post. Very well written. Too right the MSM make you dumber.

Cars can be a deadly weapon and can do massive damage in a short amount of time.

Its almost as if we as a society require people to get a license before they can drive one.
Its almost as if we as a society require those people train and complete a basic competency test before acquiring a license.
Its almost as it we require additional training and licensing to handle bigger and more dangerous vehicles like semi-tractor trailers.
Its almost as if we as a society require people to register the vehicle with their state and county.
Wait, I think we as a society require people to purchase insurance for themselves, their vehicle, and potential damage caused by the vehicle.

Even those second-hand vehicles require registration and licensing.

Now, does the above process eliminate unlicensed and uninsured drivers completely? No, but I would rather live in a society where we at least require those steps and minimize risk than let any irresponsible driver behind the wheel of a death machine.

Keep in mind that licensing and insurance requirements have not prevented criminals from stealing vehicles and using them criminal purposes.

Correct. They do not prevent 100% of criminality, so the question is do the steps and friction imposed by society reduce the criminality significantly?

I would argue they do, but it'd take a comparison of car related crime rates and strictness of car laws per region.

It's a good question and with complicated layers. Criminality is directly related to poverty. Although laws and consequences construct social norms of acceptable behavior of the average person...there are other factors to consider from social status to mental illness.

I appreciate your logical approach.

Thank you for making my point. Would you agree, as a society, it's insane to blame the car for the harm it can do?

I believe it would be totally insane to ban all cars if one person used a car to kill hundreds of people. I would hope everyone can agree on that and see the insanity of the suggestion. A rational response would be to take action against the person responsible, not the machine that made it possible.

Correct. I would agree that banning all cars is counter productive.

However, I think adding additional friction to car ownership is a rational response to the dangers inherit in cars.


If there is something inherently dangerous about the car, such as a product defect...then I would agree. However, if we limit production of a vehicle or any product because of the actions of individuals...I don't believe it would produce the desired result. People who act criminally or self-destructive will continue to do so with our without limiting their access.

Thank you. I agree...Jeeps were dangerous in the wrong hands...they didn't take them off the road.

This post was quite good. I wish it had been seen more widely.

Thank you...hopefully it gives people something to contemplate in order to have rational discussions...if those exist anymore.

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If you are into crypto and firearms I suggest you look into Blocksafe. Smart guns on the blockchain, they have some interesting technology and ideas for the future of firearm technology.

Thanks...I'll check it out.
