Global Arms Sales Surpass $374 Billion In 2016

in news •  7 years ago 

For the last 5 years, global arms sales have been seeing a decline. However, just last year in 2016 those sales are said to be rising for the first time in half a decade. It's estimated that there were more than $374 billion in sales in 2016 alone.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute is the organization behind the estimates.

They said that they've been seeing an increasing trend for sales with US arms producers and they've attributed the increase in sales to continued military aggression overseas; along with acquisitions of large weapon systems by other countries.

Who reigns supreme in this arms race?

It might not come as a surprise to many that Lockheed Martin takes the cake.

In the last year, throughout 2016, they've seen roughly a 10.7 percent increase. And some industry analysts have suggested that this could just be the beginning, that Lockheed and other defense stocks might be in for a 20-year+ spending cycle.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute suggests that there are other players as well to note in this industry and they are arms producers that come from Turkey, South Korea, India, and Brazil.

After Lockheed, the biggest producers in this area are Boeing, BAE systems, and Northrop Grumman.

There are also multiple military operations taking place around the world at the moment that involve the US. Such as those conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Somalia, and other areas.

Trillions of dollars have been spent on anti-terror efforts, the US engaging in multiple wars of aggression around the world. And previous AP reports have suggested that some of these anti-terror efforts might be more about lining the pockets of contractors rather than trying to find any coherent solution.

Might that be why it's been several decades and they still don't yet seem close to achieving their goal? The war on terror is an extremely profitable endeavor for military contractors. They're making billions of dollars off of the ongoing conflict, bloodshed, and loss of innocent lives. It's a very small handful that are reaping the profits of these never-ending wars that the rest of us are forced to pay for.



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Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex, but unfortunately nobody took his warnings very seriously.

This is truly sad ☹️ @doitvoluntarily

What can you say... global elite pulling strings from the shadows, a classic :)

Lockheed, in addition to other contractors, will continue to grow steadily, and the surge in spending is due to the need for extensive refurbishment of our nuclear stockpile. The significant cost is due to the enormous amount of infrastructure to update our aging stockpile. Intercontinental ballistic missile are highly sophisticated and retrofitting silos and building rockets costs billions. You may notice that many defense contracts are awarded to multiple companies due to the magnitude of effort and talent needed to accomplish this goal. The reason why we are doing this today is because our nuclear stockpile has been neglected since inception of the nuclear program.
Follow me @senseicat

I completely agree with that. With the exception of SpaceX, rocket companies have shut down or reduced to almost nothing. Building safe facilities to support construction of rockets is a monumental task. Not to mention all of the other aging infrastructure that will be needed.

warmongers will continually need to update the tools of their trade 👌😉

It's so bad that countries spend so money on Weapons, while there so much poverty around the globe.
With the Global Arms sale increasing.The Military Contractors are making the most of this situation.

it's anything but civilized.

This is pathetic. We can always make killing people more efficient, yet we ignore the world's problems. There is absolutely NO reason why anyone on this planet should be starving! Also, many don't have health care, clean water, a decent education, or things most of us take for granted.

I hope there is a Hell, because that's where all the tanks, bombs, and evil S.O.B.'s that insist on using them for evil deeds will be!

We can use cryptocurrency and the blockchain(s) to get our world back!

Thanks for your post, and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.

pathetic is the word i'd go with too ✌ thanks for stopping by! :)

You're welcome.

And they say bitcoin is in a bubble.
Bitcoin couldn't even be used to pay this tab, even if EVERYONE sent their bitcoin.

a little healthy perspective lol !

War is peace.

and freedom is slavery ✌

Ignorance is strength!
Troops are out there, risking their lives to protect us!

never a shortage of blowing stuff up now that there are more people then ever so sad

More the terrorism more the global unrest more the sales of weapons

I have no doubt that Trump being a president of USA has something to do with it...

Actually, Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial Complex in 1960. You can find the video on YouTube. It's a big scam, with innocent people generating the huge profits, with THEIR LIVES! War is big business. One of the biggest.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's not weird.... Because the number of strained regions is increasing
But the sad thing is the victims and the homeless.
Human loss of millions of dollars to destroy people's dreams.
For me the correct title of this report is: the loss of the world more than $374 Billion In 2016

Wow what a huge sales of weapon of mass destruction! I wonder what their cooperate social responsibility would be after producing weapons which causes many damage
Thanks for the insights . Merry xmas

thanks for your comment and happy holidays to you too! :)

The new world order is stepping up their game to conquer the globe and have it for them self's

And the even worse than that is the vast majority of weapons are sold to the most oppressive regimes in the world like Zionists Israel, Saudi and Qatar, for instance. Then there are the 'Moderate Rebels' who always pass their weapons to #ISIS and Nusra Front, the 2 branches of #alQaeda operating in #Iraq and #Syria.

Check this:

The people need to figure out a decentralized way to control where the budget is going, and crypto currencies are the answer. We need to focus our attention not on quarreling with each other but create wealth and prosperity for humanity and the Earth itself

Had two World Wars but people still have learnt nothing. Greed for power will be our doom one day.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Boeing just awarded with a new 6.2$ billions Qatar deal for F-15s yesterday. I am really amazed that how Saudi-Qatar , Gulf crisis filling the contractors pockets but then I realized that not just Iraq-Iran, Iraq-Saudi Issue in the past but many regional wars & issues including 2 decades of war on terror also did the same.

this is shocking actually :/ this trump era doesn't seem very bright

This is indeed a sad state of affairs the world finds itself in. What is even more disturbing is that the very system we depend on for our lives is the one that is destroying it at the same time. Capitalism is failing us. The Central Banking System (FED) Banking Cartel love War as it creates sovereign debt of entire countries including the USA.

One just has to look at the $700 Billion DOD budget & the Trillions we have spent on Military in the middle east, to understand that the USA does not have a defensive military but an aggressive corporate controlled military hell bent on profits.

I see sites like Steemit and Blockchain Technology a strong healthy step to correcting this mess.

Thanks for the post!

With the cost of a B-2 Spirit being $737 million, I always think that these Numbers we are being Fed are lowballed.

So much money that could be spent on education, work for the unemployed and food for the poor is spent on anti-terror efforts. So sad :(

Merry Christmas mate!!

Every war always put sad stories behind, poverty after the war without any solution to solve the problem. Will we let this happen in this nice world? who knows the path. Happy Crhistmas all.

Why create arms and sell arms to kill each other? Why can't we live in peace, love ND unity

Wow this cool guy. I like with your post this .... nice good

This makes you understand why no one really wants peace. Peace is bad for business and doesn't sell weapons. I am wondering how much some if not all the vendors are behind most conflicts we see.

What this translates to is more death and destruction in sovereign countries that have fallen victim to US aggression. Take a look at the situation in Yemen. The US and UK have been selling weapons to House of Saud who has created one of the biggest human catastrophes in modern times. Not only are they raining bombs on civilians but the blockades are responsible for starvation on a massive scale. War is profitabl, that's why people need to start opposing it on a global scale and refuse to allow our leaders to continue these wars in our name. I write about political issues in the Middle East on my page. Thank you for writing this post.

This is business and very profitable one. We can do nothing about it as far as there is no punishment for making money on it.

The method to earn money.

this is not good of a news !!
I think that is what Einstein said " WW3 would be the war where we would have used all of our weapons and nothing would be left. and WW4 would be done with sticks "

It is not good it is dangerous

As an IR enthusiast, I truly agree with what you said. War will always be business. Sometimes, I even doubt the intentions of countries who undergo this thing called war on terror.

wow, sir @doitvoluntarily we are really sad.