Trump complaining about Fox allowing anti-Trump ads

in news •  3 years ago 

I normally enjoy the public statements that The Don makes because unless he is blathering on saying the same thing over and over again (a bad habit of his) I tend to at least find what he say to be amusing and I believe this is a big part of his appeal.

His recent complaints about the Fox Network "allowing" ads that feature Trump in a negative way is a massive hypocritical move on his part t. He claims that this should be banned and that idea in my mind is kind of going against this whole "free speech" thing that he claims to want for everyone including himself.


Although he doesn't have much of a platform anymore, he has one of the most followed channels on telegram and people repost his statements all over the place, probably even Twitter. I don't know because I don't even have a Twitter account because fuck Twitter.

He is complaining that people are saying mean things about him in advertisements for certain candidates that pay to advertise on Fox channels.


Let's leave our personal feelings about this man aside for a second and just think about what he has said in the past. He basically coined the term "fake news" and berated certain news outlets for being unfairly biased, which we all know is the case of course. Fox News is definitely biased and one of the only reasons why they dominate the news is because they don't really have any serious conservative-oriented competitors. They basically dominate the news cycle as far as TV is concerned but I think this means less and less as years go by.

I want us also to remember that Trump himself placed ads on websites popular with liberals and the Washington Post among others, took the money and ran the ads as directed.


So given his current stance on Fox taking money for ads paid for by liberals, does this also mean that he was in the wrong for basically taking over certain websites with his ads? You can't have it both ways Don!

I think that one thing that everyone also needs to consider is that traditional news stations like MSNBC, Fox, CNN and others are really struggling financially right now and personally I celebrate that since none of them actually report any real news: They manipulate and create stories, they don't report them. I think they all suck and am happy to be witnessing their downfalls.

This being the case I can completely understand why Fox and everyone else would take advertising money from literally anyone that is willing to spend it. If Trump allows himself to participate in this, he can't have a problem with it when other people do exactly the same thing.

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