Morgan Freeman and many others have some thoughts on race, black lives matter, guns, and more... Not the normal propagandized view.

in news •  7 years ago 

Rather than arguing any point or discussing philosophical concepts of my own which I have done in other posts I wanted to spend some time putting together a lot of videos I have seen that have influenced a lot of my thoughts. I also believe they are important as they are very different from the propagandized narrative and I also believe there is a lot of wisdom in these various videos that might be ignoring due to them being inconvenient to that narrative.

Morgan Freeman Speaks TRUTH Leaving CNN Embarrassed And Speechless(VIDEO)!!! - 2014

SJW vs LOGIC😡- Morgan Freeman & Eddie Murphy On Racism & Social Justice Warriors (blacklivesmatte

Dear black lives matter and antifa!!Go Protest In The Ghetto - Aug 20, 2017

Black Americans for Trump Featuring Ice Cube, Shaq , and More!!!

Media tries & fails to pressure Wayne into supporting Black Lives Matter

Sam Jackson Shuts Down A Stupid Reporter - related to guns 2015


Black Woman Tells Room Full Of White Women They’re All Racist - Black Conservative Reacts - Anthony Brian Logan

Black Guy Debunking MTV Decoded "4 Black Lives Matter Myths Debunked" Video - Anthony Brian Logan

Black Guy Gives Another Point of View To The “Why Does MTV's Decoded Hate White People” Video - Anthony Brian Logan

Lil Wayne Nightline "Black Lives Matter" Interview Triggers Black Internet (REACTION) - Anthony Brian Logan

Emotion over Logic Will BeThe Down Fall Of Any Man/Woman - A.D.

Is The Mainstream Media Failing The American People???? - A.D.

I'm A Mediocre Negro - A.D.

The Real Problem In Black "Hoods" Is Not Money It Is Fatherless Homes: Tell The Damn Leaders That! - The Doctor of Common Sense

What About CHICAGO? Media Talks About Charlottesville But 9 dead, 30 shot in weekend in Chicago - The Doctor of Common Sense

Donald Trump Condemns KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists! What About BLM and Antifa? - The Doctor of Common Sense

Should We Remove Mount Rushmore or The Statue of Liberty So That The Alt-Left Will Not Be Offended? - The Doctor of Common Sense

Black man stands up against "Black Lives Matter" protest

Black Trump Supporter VS Black Lives Matter RNC 2016

Meet the Black Marine Vet Who's Speaking Out Against Black Lives Matter - 2015

There is more and more of this type of material. The media could heal wounds, but instead it is more fixated in dumping gas on the fire.

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Thanks for sharing such a n informative post. In my point of view.... Everyone has right to give his view point as per his / her understanding on the matter. We should respect others' thoughts. There shouldn't be hate speech or propaganda. If everyone remain within his own domain and do his job positively, I must say there won't be any issue in the world. Regards!

I don't think the world can be fixed so simply. You can easily respect the hell out of someone while simultaneously despising them.

I've watched several videos of Morgan Freeman (some of those you posted) I watched an interview with him several years ago... a remarkable man. He grew up in Mississippi where he still owns a Blues nightclub. I've also seen several with Lil Wayne- he's quite a philosopher.

"The bus runs everyday!" Morgan Freeman is definitely a no BS kinda guy. I think a peaceful discussion is great and violence against others because you do not like their opinion is unacceptable.

Thank you for always being a good steward of the Steemit community. Steem the Dream!

I'll have to take some time later to go through all these vids. Morgan Freeman is becoming my new hero.

Fortunately this past week I've been seeing more and more rational points of view. Charles Barkley did a great interview explaining as a black man growing up in Alabama he never once thought about any of the statues and removing them doesn't change history. He said protesters should spend their time figuring out ways to help blacks through education and stop wasting their time with racists.

My local news ran a piece where they interviewed people visiting Gettysburg to see if they supported the removal of confederate statues. Of the five people they interviewed on the air, 4 were against removal and one was for it. You would assume people taking time to visit one of our nation's most important historical sights would appreciate the history of our country and be against trying to erase history. I was glad the majority of them felt this way.

Charles Barkley did a great interview explaining as a black man growing up in Alabama he never once thought about any of the statues

Yeah, I saw that one. It was a great interview.

My local news ran a piece where they interviewed people visiting Gettysburg to see if they supported the removal of confederate statues. Of the five people they interviewed on the air, 4 were against removal and one was for it.

Yet, I haven't seen ANY of that. Not surprised it was local news.

The local news report wouldn't go national because nobody was ranting and raving and losing their mind. It was simply regular people expressing their personal opinion in a rational way. Even the lady who thought they should be removed made her thoughts known clearly without resorting to rhetoric and BS.

Thank God, Morgan Freeman hasn't gone mental like so many celebrities today. I'm already depressed by the fact that so many people I used to admire have completely lost it. Stephen King is such a major disappointment.
Loved the part when Morgan Freeman says "I'm an actor, not a black actor".

Took a while to watch some of those, I think this is a great compilation. The Doctor of Common Sense was really good. I once read that something like 80% of men on death row were from single mother households. I tried finding it but couldn't do so quickly, but if I recall, the point was that boys without male role models become overly aggressive to compensate for a lack of masculine bonding. I wish I could find that study....

There was another guy I wanted to add some videos of to this compilation but I had a brain fart when I was trying to think of his name.

Ah, and my next one is up. Not a solution piece yet, still working on that. It just keeps getting longer... much propaganda here...have to resteem to watch them later...thanks for compiling all this...fascinated at the idea of an organized protest in a violent urban area...

Wow, some pretty good clips in there. I'm especially taken with the Dr of Common Sense guy. Gives me a bit of hope for the future of our country.

I like the one from Morgan Freeman where he talks bout getting out of a poor neighbourhood: ", the bus runs every day!" If you have the will power to do something there is little that can stop you

All well said and done, TY for sharing them so folks can get educated with the truth...Yup going to share it also ;-)

Morgan Freeman is a very intelligent man. He will take apart any ideologically tinted nonsense. CNN is in the business to create artificial buzz and by extension artificial hatred between ethnicities. This has to stop. All this blathering about "white privilege", while conveniently forgetting the white underclass, who has also little to no chance of succeding. Ask them if they feel "privileged". I feel all these people spouting "racism" etc. just jump on a profitable bandwagon without thinking about the consequences for society. (Which has its problems, but certainly does not justify the current annoying conflicts).

great video