My tribute to Mainstream/Legacy Media: It works as far as I can tell with all of them but Fox.

in news •  7 years ago 

My tribute to Mainstream/Legacy Media: It works as far as I can tell with all of them but Fox.

I just made this flow chart. I don't think I need any other words, it is self explanatory.

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Your flow chart almost reads as if you question the media and their dedication to being impartial in giving us the news. I mean, you come just short of implying they might be editorializing with the intent of deceiving the viewers.

Just kidding. Yeah, the media is insane anymore, so transparent in what they are trying to do. I unplugged from cable almost a year ago and have found my life much more peaceful. They are so desperate to make everyone hate one another while they tell us good is bad, bad is good. Celebrate the most disgusting lewd actions while screaming as though depravity itself was occurring if something of common sense is taking place.

To this day if politics comes up between myself and someone who is ultra left I can't resist mentioning Sarah Palin. It always evokes the "I cant stand her" comments. This always leads to me asking why they can't stand her to which they usually have a dumb look on their face as they never bothered to learn WHY they were supposed to hate her. I remember they were trying to discredit Mccain (as though his voting record wasn't enough) when he was running for president using her. Saying she had no experience for the job if he died. I laughed so hard since she was the only one of the four (Obama, Biden, Mccain) who had any executive experience.

You just can't make this up. Or, I guess you can if you are the media or a college professor.

We do have an actually decent college professor among us. @cupidzero. Yet he gets it, and is a brilliant writer and actually often writes from the perspective of someone in the middle of it and seeing the rot all around him.

I will check his blog out. I noticed you resteemed several of his posts today but haven't gotten around to looking at them yet. He must have a will of iron to have stuck with it, as even many of the private colleges seem infected now.

I resteemed three. Yet I recommend starting with the one that indicates it is 0. Each article has a link to the next as you read them. He's up to number 6 so far and still writing more. It is pretty fantastic stuff.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: The State of Journalism
Our Purpose

yes, you got the point there, thanks for this.

And they call themselves "liberal" media.

Did you find the youtube censorship algorithm :P

Possibly. :)

This is so true, everyone everywhere try to pull other person down instead of supporting each other. We can achieve a lot if people were good with each other. And this is the best example

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Brilliant, true and just plain sad. It would be awesome if it made it to Fox and they showed it on one of their nightly programs...

Resteeming. Everyone should have a look:)

Sweet post, this and your Palpatine/Soros post have me thinking about creating more graphics and memes to try and wake people, who fall into the TLDR crowd, the hell up. Working on wrapping up the TV education posts this weekend, take a gander.

that's pretty cool to know

Good job friend

Solutions to problems are like sunshine.

it is an amazing picture of your apartment.i always wait for your post .thanks for sharing the building is so large and awesome look.

got the point there, thanks for this.

This is a good flowchart.