Chris Christie Made a Case Against Hillary Clinton

in news •  9 years ago 

CLEVELAND — Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, whom Donald J. Trump passed over to be his running mate, was one of the stars of the Republican convention’s second night on Tuesday, delivering a detailed case against Hillary Clinton with a prosecutorial zeal.For about 15 minutes,  he laid out one indictment of Mrs. Clinton after another, asking the  audience after each one, “Guilty or not guilty?” It was part red meat,  part courtroom procedural, and with each query, “GUILTY!” rang through  the hall, interrupted only by an occasional, “Lock her up!”Like  many indictments, the facts presented to the Republican jury were  sometimes selective: not necessarily false, but often ignoring  exculpatory evidence. Below is a closer look at Mr. Christie’s case.

On Libya

Mr.  Christie started in North Africa, accusing Mrs. Clinton of being the  “chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow of Qaddafi in Libya.”  Pretending to be a prosecutor speaking to a jury, he urged the raucous  crowd to render a verdict. The crowd roared, “Guilty!”Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state during the period in question, and  she did make a humanitarian case for intervening to prevent Col. Muammar  el-Qaddafi from taking over Benghazi in 2011, when it appeared that his  forces might kill more than 10,000 Libyan citizens. President Obama has  expressed regret that plans for the aftermath of the strikes were not  well thought-out, and that the world was wrong to expect the rebels to  build a stable government there. 

On Terrorism

In  Nigeria, Mr. Christie said, Mrs. Clinton “amazingly fought for two  years to keep an Al Qaeda affiliate off the terrorist watch list.” He  said her actions had led directly to the kidnapping of hundreds of young girls by the group, Boko Haram, and demanded a verdict for “an apologist for an Al Qaeda affiliate.”Fact check:  The Clinton State Department did decline to add Boko Haram to its list  of terrorist groups, in part because Islamic scholars and regional  experts had urged it to try other means of confronting the group’s  tactics. It did, however, put several Boko Haram leaders on other  terrorist lists, and added the group in 2013.

On Trade

Mr.  Christie accused Mrs. Clinton of being “desperate for Chinese cash” and  said that in exchange for money to finance the Obama administration’s  stimulus package, she had promised China that she would oppose the “Buy  America” provision in the legislation. For supporting “big-government  spending financed by the Chinese,” he called, “guilty or not guilty?”Fact check: The Obama administration and Mrs. Clinton opposed the “Buy America” provision because, they said, it was a protectionist measure that could cause a trade war with China in the midst of an economic crisis.

On Syria

When  Mr. Christie got to the topic of Syria, he reminded the crowd that Mrs.  Clinton had called President Bashar al-Assad a reformer and “a  different kind of leader.” He said she bore some responsibility for the  deaths of the 400,000 people who have been killed in Syria’s civil war:  as he put it, “dead at the hands of the man that Hillary defended.”“As an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the Middle East,” he said, “guilty or not guilty?”Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton’s comments about Mr. Assad came in an interview in 2011,  before much of the bloodshed, when she said that some members of  Congress in both parties “believe he’s a reformer.” Some in the George  W. Bush administration had also expressed hope that he would be a better  leader than his father, Hafez al-Assad. And Mrs. Clinton did not  “defend” the atrocities committed by Mr. Assad during the later period  of the civil war.

On Iran

Mr. Christie delivered a familiar critique of the signature agreement of the Obama administration, though it was reached a year ago last week,  or two and a half years after Mrs. Clinton left the State Department.  “She launched the negotiations that brought about the worst nuclear deal  in history,” he said. Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton did indeed press the effort, sending two secret emissaries  to feel out the Iranians about beginning talks. Mr. Christie’s  assertion that “America and the world are measurably less safe” because  of the deal is far more questionable: Iran gave up 98 percent of its  nuclear fuel, dismantled vast numbers of centrifuges and other nuclear  infrastructure, and so far appears to have stuck to everything it agreed  to. (It is in the areas outside the agreement — missile launches and  support for terrorism — that Iran is pushing the envelope.)

On Russia

Mr.  Christie accused Mrs. Clinton of giving President Vladimir V. Putin  “that stupid, symbolic reset button,” and said she had harmed the United  States’ security and sought instead to strengthen Russia.Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton did support a “reset” of relations with Russia early in  the Obama administration, pursuing a hope of Mr. Obama’s that the United  States could pull Russia into a closer and more effective working  relationship. That effort failed as Mr. Putin consolidated power.

On Cuba

Mr.  Christie said that Mrs. Clinton had “supported concessions to the  Castro brothers” as part of the Obama administration’s outreach to Cuba.  He also accused her of supporting the decision not to demand the  release of a “cop killer” from Cuba who had murdered a New Jersey  trooper. “As a coddler of the brutal Castro brothers,” he demanded,  “guilty or not guilty?”Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton was already gone from the administration when Mr. Obama  pursued secret negotiations with Cuba, though she did express support  for his efforts.

On Her Emails

Finally,  Mr. Christie accused Mrs. Clinton of choosing to set up a private email  server in her home in order to protect her personal secrets. “Let’s  face the facts: Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own  secrets than she cared about protecting America’s secrets,” he said.Fact check:  Mrs. Clinton’s motivations for setting up the personal server have  never been entirely clear. She said it was for her “convenience,” so she  would not have to use multiple devices, though the F.B.I. director,  James B. Comey, said recently that she had used several devices anyway.  The F.B.I. investigation did find  that Mrs. Clinton sent email over the unsecured network while in  adversarial countries, though it did not determine whether she “cared  more” about protecting her own secrets.

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Christy made a case against clinton, and for the VP spot, but trump chose a less "controversial" pick with Mike Pence. Wouldn't be surprised to see Christy put up as attorney general were trump to win.

maybe...we dont know...after end