1. The Illegitimacy Of Joe Biden's Presidency
Normally I do not discuss politics here on my Steemit channel. However, this is one pressing topic that I simply cannot lay to rest until I have my voice heard on it. I don't even believe that Joe Biden is a legitimate president. I figured that this writing platform was a better place than any to describe the likelihood that Joe Biden will be assassinated, especially if he gets back into the Oval Office in 2024.
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President Trump clearly did not get a fair shake during that same election. Ms. Palin attempted to explain all of these facts to Mr. Morgan and Susanna Reid. However, Mr. Morgan and Ms. Reid kept cheering Joe Biden on as though he were some kind of Messiah sent down from up above, when fact has it that Joe Biden is the biggest clown ever to set foot in the White House.Mr. Biden can barely put two sentences together whenever he speaks. He sexually molested his own daughter when she was a little girl. He has caused gasoline prices to skyrocket. He is likely the most hated person to occupy the Oval Office.The list of Mr. Biden's undesirable traits just goes on and on. I cannot fathom why anyone would defend him or celebrate him in any manner.Mr. Morgan really has to have his head in the clouds to believe that Mr. Biden is any kind of legitimate leader to the American people. The more dunces like Mr. Morgan and Ms. Reid praise this sorry sack of human waste, the more voters would probably like to see him be assassinated. I make that statement herein without shame, because Mr. Biden has caused so much collective misery and suffering here in the United States that it's not even funny. We now have over a half-million homeless people here in the United States.In the above interview, Mr. Morgan made a fool out of himself in stating that Mr. Biden won the 2020 American presidential election fair and square. Nothing could be any further from the truth. Up until midnight of Election Day in November of 2020, President Trump was winning the presidential election by a landslide. All of a sudden after most every American went to bed, the numbers somehow mysteriously swung around into Mr. Biden's favor.While Ms. Palin was trying to answer a question that Mr. Morgan and Ms. Reid both posed to her, Mr. Morgan rudely interrupted her and kept asking her if she agreed that Joe Biden won the 2020 American presidential election. My response to him would be that he did not win it legitimately. For the past three years, the American people have been held captive to a nightmare in which a buffoon has taken control over every aspect of our lives.How could anyone feel sorry for Joe Biden if someone were to assassinate him? Kamala Harris would deserve an identical fate. I don't want anyone saying that I am unpatriotic for saying so, because they are threats to our national security. They're abominations to the integrity of our nation.Mr. Morgan and Ms. Reid find it easy to idolize Joe Biden from the comfort of their distance from the entire madness that Mr. Biden has made the United States of America. They live in the United Kingdom, and they simply don't have a thorough command of the facts of what happened here in the United States during our 2020 presidential election.A good analogy to describe their behavior is the Catholic priest who had a good father who loved him unconditionally and that same priest preaches to a rape baby that he should love his biological father inasmuch as he gave him life despite how he procreated him. You simply want to put a bullet between that priest's eyes.If any British people desire to place Joe Biden high up on a pedestal, then they can have Joe Biden. Of course, if Joe Biden were ever to become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by some odd twist of fate, the British Parliament would have gotten rid of him before he could even get comfortable in his position of power.Unfortunately, the United States does not have that same system that the United Kingdom does. Impeaching a president here in the land of milk and honey is easier said than done. Moreover, this same impeachment process in my nation can be misused as a kangaroo court as it was against President Trump.The only reason that President Trump got impeached twice was because the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") had a vendetta against him after he fired the two most corrupt FBI directors of all time in the form of James B. Comey and Andrew McCabe. The FBI continues their vendetta against him to this very day inasmuch as they don't want him getting a second term in the Oval Office. I would not doubt that they were involved in snatching the presidency from him in 2020.Like other British people, Mr. Morgan and Ms. Reid don't have to put up with Joe Biden's nonsense. Therefore, they feel they get to act cavalier about his presence in the Oval Office as though he is some kind of teen idol or icon of American pop culture.Janet Yellen is the biggest joke as the United States Secretary of the Treasury. During a Congressional hearing, every time a Congressman or Congresswoman questioned why Mr. Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline when he had to have known that it was going to cause a spike in gasoline prices at the pump, she kept giving the same intellectually bankrupt response. She kept saying that Mr. Biden only wants to transition the American people into green, renewable energy.Oh, brother. What a dipstick Ms. Yellen is. President Trump got rid of her from his presidential administration after only two years. I wonder why. Meanwhile, gas station attendants throughout the United States run the danger of being held up at gunpoint because of the outrageous cost of gasoline.Fact has it that Mr. Biden's decision to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline harmed the environment inasmuch as trucks now had to be used to transport gasoline and oil across the United States. Americans now had to depend on foreign dictators who were hostile toward the United States in order to get gasoline and oil to our gas stations.Mr. Biden trashed diplomatic relations between the United States and Canada after he shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, because many Canadians invested millions into that same Keystone XL Pipeline and were furious about his decision. Meanwhile, Mr. Biden remains in the comfort of the climate-controlled White House.Jill Biden is equally as useless as The First Lady. She had the audacity to become offended and demand an apology after a journalist at Fox News stated that she should have talked her husband, Joe Biden, out of running for president. Doesn't Jill Biden know how to take any criticism as constructive? There's a bullet waiting for her. She is disgusting.Now, if any of you out there are Biden supporters, you don't have to sic the Secret Service on me. I'm not into assassinating presidents, even illegitimately elected presidents like Joe Biden. Besides, he has made enough enemies throughout his political career that I wouldn't need to seize that honor. I have never owned a gun, and I don't know how to fire one. Moreover, that piece of human garbage would not be worth my going to prison for life.Allow me to describe all the enemies that Mr. Biden has made through the years that will likely produce an assassin that will end his political career in a body bag. I don't have to dig down very deep to find them.2. Joe Biden's Betrayal Against Supporters Of His
While Joe Biden was campaigning for president back in 2019 and 2020, there was this one group of people who kept yelling threats against him from the audience at his rallies. From what information I did gather about these individuals, they were former supporters of his whom he betrayed on immigration matters. Below is a video of one of those incidents.Protesters Hollered Angrily From The Audience At A Biden Rally In 2020
3. Vladimir Putin's Determination To Kill Joe Biden
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both travelled to Russia to give Vladimir Putin a generous amount of money to build the Nord Stream Pipeline 2 all the way to Germany, knowing that this action would cause severe political problems for Europe and the United States of America. The hypocrisy of Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris's actions was that they did this same dirty deed after they shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline here in the United States on the basis that they believed that it was detrimental to the environment. Now Americans are stuck with high gasoline prices thanks to them.I have never been a fan of Nancy Pelosi. At the time of this incident, she was still Speaker of the House, and even she was extremely furious at both Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris despite that they are from the same political party as she is. That is, she didn't want them making such a deal with Vladimir Putin. Below is a clip of Senator Ted Cruz explaining the chain of events.Senator Ted Cruz Shamed Joe Biden For Making A Deal With The Devil

4. Final Thoughts
Joe Biden is a fool to run for reelection in 2024. Diehard Democrats all over YouTube and even the rest of the Internet are strongly disgusted that he has decided to do so. The only hope of stopping him from doing so is for a different candidate to be nominated as the Democratic candidate for president in the caucuses and primaries that will be taking place throughout 2024 here in the United States.Mr. Biden's so-called presidential victory in 2020 and inauguration to the Oval Office in 2021 were two of the biggest aberrations ever to occur in American history. The Supreme Court of the United States ("SCOTUS") definitely failed all of us Americans by not intervening when they should have done so to keep this clown act out of The White House.Perhaps the 2024 American presidential election will bring all of us Americans better hope of leadership and Mr. Biden will be voted out of office once and for all. There can be no question that he is destroying the United States, and a second term in the Oval Office for him would be a worldwide disaster.Mr. Biden needs to go away. People are even insulting him in public and on television whenever he gets in front of a camera. See the video below.Americans Want Joe Biden To Resign And Drop Out Of The Presidential Race