Woah! What a day of trading.
The rapid movers:
- Kobocoin: 242.850000%
- UnbreakableCoin: 213.870000%
- EneCoin: 201.920000%
- GrowCoin: 171.560000%
- KolschCoin: 125.230000%
- PonziCoin: 111.370000%
- NewYorkCoin: 100.000000%
- Cryptofund: 85.220000%
- Quebecoin: 81.960000%
Hold on - is PonziCoin a Ponzi scheme and being overt about it? What we call "the majors":
- SuperNET: 15.520000%
- Counterparty: 7.790000%
- ShadowCash: 5.890000%
- BitShares: 2.720000%
- DigixDAO: 1.460000%
We love ourselves some Altcoins too! Part of what we do is giving attention to what you might have overlooked.
And a thoughtful Steem reminder. Trend traders may like or dislike Steem. Like many movies, this isn't the end yet.
Great job following us and staying on top of the trends today.