FAKE CORPORATE MEDIA CNN, show us the Nazis in Boston........thing is, where are the Nazis ?

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)


40,000 people completely surround to then scream and shout abuse at a group of no more than twenty people protesting Monsanto and the right to clean food in America ! Really ?

Houston ! there is a Problem !

I get so angry when I see these thousands of people so clearly brain washed and dumbed down behave in such a vile and abject manner to others who, I am sorry have perfect right to freedom of assembly and expression ! Why are these so called "opposition " protestors so convinced that they are so right, to allow themselves to so hysterically and even physically attack fellow citezens for their difference of opinion only ! Why are these groups of people branded as being Nazi,s for not wanting to join their side and agree with them ?

Who are all these screaming people ? What do they want really ? Do they even know ? I mean did we see Conservative Americans screaming at Liberal meetings when Obama was revoted after his first four years of war and destruction of civil liberties in America by the left ? No I dont remember that, Do You ?

Does this group of people not realise that they, the ones screaming Nazi,s are behaving like the very people they claim to be fighting ! I think its seriously miguided to use such a word as Nazi so loosley when referring to what was clearly a small group of people behaving in a peaceful manner . Apprently there was even a Native American Senateur in attendance to this group !

Can Native Americans be Nazis too for the CNN watchers brigade ?

The word Nazi is not correct or right and an insult to the few people that remain alive today that fought the true Nazis in the second world war so that these people could meet to discuss openly Clean Food in America in Boston in 2017 !! Still more of an insult to the thousands that died back then so that we could dicusss Monsanto in Boston 2017 !

I suggest to these clearly indoctrinated people that they go home and take a good long look in the mirror , to get in touch with the fact that everything they believe to be their view, their stance socially and politically is not really their own ! Nothing more than a " hive think mentality " of the stupid, the effect of decades of Mk Ultra Brainwashing on their minds and souls by state owned corporate media manipulation of information. Tendencies created by the constant drip feed of lies on their TV screens, proffered social media website or magazine ! An inescapable false narrative of reality, that pushes and pulls till they bow to follow the rest of the "politically active and socially minded warriors of injustice "

This video I am sharing is absolutely on point and this clear hardcore leftist has the intelligence and honesty to tell it like it is ! She for one has not been fooled and it not afraid to let us know in no uncertain terms ! Brilliant ant Hard hitting, a must see really ! She is angry and I must say so am I ! As its not about left or right, tolerant or fascist, its about right and wrong ! Its about seeing or being blind ! Its about thinking or not ! Most importantly its about believing in Freedom of Speech for which thousands of people died so that you could know and have it !

I have made my choice ! Have you ?


CNN, show us the Nazis in Boston........thing is, where indeed, are the Nazis ?

She is right HoneyBadger, those that follow the baseless accusations of the corporate media on fraction groups in our society are being used, useful fools and tools of the George Soros agenda for the destruction of America ! We are all being set up right now, divided down the middle as as ever in history, to fight each other while they rub their hands and prepare their ! That is NWO take over of our lives, if we allow their lies and manipulations to take us to our place of our execution that is ?

The mainstream media is morally and Id say even more spiritually corrupt, they will not stop and they will go to any length to keep us from Truth and keep us firmly immersed in their soup of Toxic stupidity and misrepresentation of facts !

i mean look at this for an example!

NFL Star Drops Racism Truth Bomb On CNN… So CNN Rudely Cut His Feed Live !

I mean what was that you just saw ?? Are black God fearing football players racist too in the eyes of CNN ? You see when you step out of the narrative they want to impose on the public, you are a danger and to be removed from the debate ! This is true fascism is it not ?? The media that dictates and controls, they are our enemy and this is clear to me at least !

Its time to look at our " media " outlets, to question their purpose and underlying agenda ! To stop being duped to join fights which are not our own, but an illusion which prevents us from attaining our real potential and destiny in our existance on this planet !

As the man so rightly said " Its not about Skin, its about Sin ! Think about it for a moment ?

I hope this post helps you to see more clearly the issue in hand right now, that you do not allow your self to be part of the problem, but be more about its solution !

Revolution is Evolution !

Your thoughts and comments as ever appreciated below in the comment section ! Thanks for your reading of my post )


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I think these people are clueless and brainwashed for sure... This is just my opinion but I believe that many average Americans are feeling completely powerless and that their country is in decline.

This is true. America is in decline and people are rightfully upset and frustrated...but they do not know where to direct their anger and frustration. On top of that they are constantly fed propaganda, lies and misdirection. I think this is what is fueling much of this idiocy.

Yes frustrating for everyone then eh ? Its funny as when you talk of real issues, such as RFID chipping of human beings, government spying, chemtrails etc ! These people know nothing, they have no opinion at all, you will not get a word from them, just a blank I am not listening stare ! But say you voted for Trump and America, to make it great again, they literally start foaming at the mouth and will chase you down the road with a baseball bat !! Scary indeed ! I so appreciate your support and informed comment here on this particular post @v4vapid , many thanks to you ) Steem On !

Just disgusting...I wish everyone would stop watching tv, the so-called 'news'...but then, who would do their thinking for them?

thats funny @lyndsaybowes and pretty well sums up the situation with these dar i say it " people " ! thanks again for your support and making me laugh )

My pleasure @gomeravibz :)

Anyone who has a political or religious belief is actually a little brainwashed, no one owns the truth, your ideas can be just as screwed up as those you think are brainwashed, the best thing to do is detach yourself and try to see things from all possible perspectives, you will find most movements be they liberal, conservative, far left far right or whatever are just the ideas of people who want to control others, but it is very difficult to face this fact.

Yes @gduran I would certainly not argue with that statement as it is clearly true !! Most peoples political thinking is based on what they have heard or read somewhere, its whats wrong, people just cannot think for themselves, they see a bus and they jump on !

CNN just love to fake news don't they?

Guess what CNN has been caught doing now?

CNN Split Screen Interview in SAME Parking Lot

(and this list could continue for pages...)

MSM is not about informing, it is about forming people's opinions

yes that is it in a nutshell, true @rodneybodker ! thankyou for the support )

crazy times but every time has seemed crazy while in it

well yes i am sure the past was as crazy, the storming of Rome, 1st World War and now this, a potential violent Bolshevik style revolution in America !! Who would have thought that possible under say Reagan ?? But here we are, Insane really !Thing is we are here and now and in it ! So we better get to dealing with it before it gets much worse as if it does ! It will not be writing posts on Steemit our main concern @battleaxe ? thanks for your support and comment )

I don't even watch the news anymore its all BS
Great post :)

Sure I totally agree ! But i do watch the internet and sift through whats going on to pick up the tendencies !! This one is really worrying I am sure you agree ? thanks again for the support @road2wisdom )

Nice post friend Follow up&Resteem

This is unbelievable!

I watched a report that interviewed people of N Dakota when the Natives at Standing Rock were peacefully protecting the water supplies against big oil. What the locals said was unreal, totally different version to what was happening at the camps. They had all been told a load of lies.

This is even worse! What have they done, bribed these people, told them a load of lies??

Mind programming and micro-chips are scary as is AI and black goo. Only awaken souls will be reading this post and other information about the Truth that is going on.

What we need is a shut down of all corrupt media stations, then people will look elsewhere and start to see and find out what is really going on.

Sadly these leftist morons have been worked on by their own globalist governments and the Marxist supporting mainstream media for decades that the end result is people utterly brainwashed into believing something that is very unhealthy and destructive is something good. It is the struggle of our time I'm afraid and also exposes how those on the right have had their guard down for far too long. The result is that freedoms of speech, expression and assembley are now seriously under threat. This is the news struggle that we are now witnessing. Great post as ever Gomera, upvoted.

Another excellent post @gomeravibz I've watched this divisive theatre of hate be created out of thin air. They've created division and burned bridges that were being built between races and communities. It's not always what they say but often what they don't, like the day when the police killed five white men but the media only focused on the death of Keith Scott as he was black and thus completed their narrative that the police were on some kind of black murder spree. The result was huge riots across a multitude of states and the empowerment of Antifa & BLM. How long will people continue to fall for this crap? http://lawofficer.com/special-topics/5-whites-were-killed-the-same-day-as-keith-scott/

People are only triggered by what they think to be socially accepted, when its not they keep it to themselves for fear of shaming themselves to their peers for their concerns they chose to hide !! The word Hypocrisy springs to mind, as we are surrounded by these mindless, brainwashed Hypocrits of the politically dumb and blind !!
Antifa and BLM have announced an American Revolutiuon on the 4th of November where they say they will target law enforcement ! So this story is so the narrative we will be seeing alot of right now as the elites position their mindset on the useful idiots infront of their government lie box ! thanks again for this great comment my friend !!

I couldn't agree more my friend, my hope comes from speaking to people like yourself and realising that some of us can see through the smoke and mirrors in this world of illusion. That said I really don't think the majority have any recognition of the fact that we're walking along a tightrope of totalitarianism, I guess only tine will tell which side of it we fall. Keep up the great work, for in truth it's the only thing we can do and to know we're on the right side of history is to liberate our minds and soul.

" it's the only thing we can do and to know we're on the right side of history is to liberate our minds and soul. " yes its exactly that @perceptualflaws !! thanks for reminding me )

More evidence of the deliberate dumbing down of the masses.
The stupider you are the easier you are to manipulate, this shit is going to get much worse before it gets better.
Good post buddy.

Yes well there is a majority of politically naive stupid followers of this agenda, but there are others which are seriously dangerous and need to be pulled in for questioning ! Thing is there is nobody doing it, so as you say this thing will get worse before getting better !! thankyou for the comment and support @tremendospercy !