Bill C 4
Recently our Parliament passed Bill C 4. This bill makes it a criminal offence to try to talk someone out of having a sex change. This is known as Conversion Therapy. Passing this bill means that if your teenage son or daughter wants to change his or her gender and you try to dissuade him or her or have someone else dissuade him or her, you and whoever is involved are violating this law. You will be committing a criminal offence.
Young people, at the best of times are often confused and can be manipulated and coerced by others to make certain decisions that can have life- long devastating consequences. If someone’s son or daughter is confused, is it not the parents’ duty to help him or her? If it is not, then what are parents for? If the child is suicidal, any parent would try to straighten the child out. The parent is there to help. The parents are the first line of defense. However, if that child wants a sex change, the parents are not allowed to intervene. When did our parliament ever pass a more ridiculous, evil bill?
Bill C 4 makes that parent or therapist a criminal. Parliament passed this bill and Canadians did not raise any objections. It was the third attempt. The Trudeau Liberals tried twice before. The last time, the Conservatives raised some objections. Apparently, sixty-two Conservatives voted against the bill then. This time, nobody voted against. It passed unanimously. The bill was not even debated. If a bill ever needed to be debated, this was it.
Not only that, after the unanimous vote the Conservatives and Liberals hugged each other in the aisle. What happened? It was the same bill as before. They sold us down the river. How did we allow them to do it?
There is another problem. The way I read this act; it works in one direction only. the only one who is violating the act is the parent or conversion therapist. What about the person or group that is coercing the teen to have a sex change? There is nothing in the act that prevents them from their “conversion therapy”. How can any reasonable person accept this? I hate to think what the consequences will be in the future. My question to all MPs and senators is, what will you do in the future when some of these transgendered people regret their decision and want to reverse their transition? Will it be illegal to then get conversion therapy? And believe me, it will happen. It has already happened in Britain. The British government is being sued for not giving teens conversion therapy when they needed it. Why can we not learn from Britain’s mistake?
As for me, I have lost total faith in our politicians. They are drunk with ignorance and evil intention and still have all the power to make these dumb laws. Should I be presented with the opportunity to dissuade someone from changing his or her gender, I plan to do it. My conscience would demand it. I can do no other, so help me God.