6 Reasons Why We Know Humanity Is Going Through A Collective Rebirth

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)


Science and Spirituality Merge

"What happens when you put a drop of liquid in an electric field? That’s no idle inquiry to occupy boffins on their lunch break. The outcome has very real implications for a range of important applications, from nanotechnology to spacecraft design. It’s a question that has been open since at least the 16th century, when the English naturalist William Gilbert noticed that a piece of charged amber could make a water droplet change its shape. some of the answers are today used everywhere from nanotechnology to spacecraft. ....

Scientists thought they had this figured out until recently,

"Now, however, a pair of American researchers have achieved a surprising new result – one that pulls a liquid drop apart, making it extrude tiny rings from its equator that in turn break up into micro-droplets. The formation of these “Saturn rings” has never been seen before. “This might seem like a rather intuitive way [for a drop] to decay,” says one of the researchers, Quentin Brosseau, “but this is to our knowledge the only occurrence.” *


In Astrology we know Saturn as representing the structure of the ego identity. Saturn is associated with father time as well. This is why in mythology we have seen Saturn as the cold and angry god who consumes his own children. If we read into what this scientific discovery more deeply its describing the experience of the "Myst" of consciousness that we experience as the internal movie that continually is dying and being reborn a new in each moment. We have this internal story and imagery we play out, that if we look very closely dissolves back into the void constantly. Internally this story is always emerging from our source, or our ground of being. Where externally we see the energy keeps consuming itself in order to keep going like a snake eating its tail. This is why we see some in the consciousness movement that see a battle between the Golden Mean Spiral teachings and the Krystal/ Keylontic teachings. The truth of the matter is generally found somewhere in between. Because the personality has one geometry on the subjective planes, and then the form has another that manifests externally. These droplets of water with electricity running through them spinning create a light show of fractal refraction. Like the liquid crystals within our computer screens.


This discovery syncs up perfectly with Saturn's presence around Galactic Center, and the 11th hexagram in the I-Ching, Gene Key and Human Design System. This positioning in a grand fire trine throughout the year with Uranus and the north node and Vesta creates an extreme amount of illumination on the workings of structures, both the dark and the light sides and everything in between.


We double this up with another synronistic discovery,

A serendipitous detection of the organic molecule methanol around an intriguing moon of Saturn suggests that material spewed from Enceladus undertakes a complex chemical journey once vented into space. This is the first time that a molecule from Enceladus has been detected with a ground-based telescope.

If we watch nature and the world around us its always sending us subtle clues into the deeper workings and nature of our own consciousness we just have to be willing to listen.

We find Saturn injunction with Mars which is opposed Pluto during a full Moon! What powerful combinations we have here!

Who Am I?



This weekend is a massive full moon. The lower will, god of war, desire and personal power Mars will be in watery emotional Cancer and directly opposes the higher will, god of the underworld and rebirth, Pluto. The essence of this powerful aspect is all about how our intellect, our inner story and limited language of thinking mind can directly oppose and limit us from ascending to our highest heights, both on a personal and collective level. Pluto is the powerful alchemical force of Kundalini, and synchronistically it is making this opposition on the 54th Gate or Gene Key, the theme of which is The Serpent path of Kundalini. In its lower shadow state, this is all about greed. The current or primal life force of Kundalini, when in its material form manifests itself as money or currency, is the energy that drives creation on the material plane. Once we can trust and set our ambitions on ascending to something higher than survival and material things, then more energy and abundance can flow. The amount of currency we have is directly correspondent to how the energy flows within our body, and within our home, and fractally up the macrocosm. To have direct effect on this, look to become intimate and acquainted with areas of pain and tension within the body. It’s time we get to know our emotions.



So what are these aspects showing us? If we look at what's going on collectively with developments in the cryptocurrency world, Pluto's aspect to Jupiter in Libra shows technological developments play a part in all this. We see more power coming into the hands of the collective. Power is getting decentralized. In order for this energy to really start flowing, those of us who have been working ambitiously on projects to help in the global ascension are starting to get recognition from the collective i.e. the higher powers.

The lower shadow of this Kundalini is greed and the people going after the energy in this way, emanate the greed out into the collective. Naturally the collective does not trust those embodying this massive greed scheme.

Mars position is showing us the intellectual energy acts as a governor (government) eating up our personal power and disconnecting us from ourselves, the collective, and our higher self. The Mind in each of us is acting like a governor of our body; determining and limiting the currents of energy. A calcified, improperly functioning pineal gland. The mind who is conditioned and programmed into fear and associates with the negative ego. Just as the collective of humanity should be in charge and not a damaged fearful and greedy aspect of those placed in power, the higher willed (Pluto) being needs to place the power back into its collective, the body or form. It’s only by being present and intimately connected to the form and our body consciousness can things flow properly. Ascension doesn’t happen in the mind. Only when we relax and trust can the higher self begin to come online through self-intimacy and connection.

Mars takes about 2 years to make one full pass around all the signs in the zodiac. Mars will find itself completing this cycle with Pluto on April 24th of next year as Mars and Pluto come into a conjunction with one another. During this time we will also see Mars pass over conjunctions notably with the north node, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. All of these aspects signal massive benchmarks, completions of personal and collective cycles, along with the beginnings of new ones. Lets take this huge upcoming Solar Eclipse we have in August right after this eclipse on August 25th we see Mars conjunct the north Node in Leo on the 4th Gene Key heralds understanding and forgiveness of ourselves and there for those in power who have been deceiving us, those which we have given our power away to. Here is a quote from Vera about the portal we have opening up over the eclipse.


“We knew it would get intense, now that we have reached the gateway towards the permanent timeline split ending on August 25, shortly after the eclipse. And in order to fully anchor into the higher frequency 5D timeline, our physical body needs to be ready, too. And that means: Out with anything that is still stored in the cellular memory in form of old fear patterns. Cellular release goes deep. Very deep. And can be absolutely frustrating and painful. It has not been that intense since last year September, when we entered the era of these fiery energies.”.

With this conjunction being in Leo I see this as the collective unveiling of our higher purpose, our true identities. Think of Mars like our daily actions of our lower will, our selfish desires and shadow aspects being brought through a series of initiations as it goes through these aspects. The lower will is being brought into alignment with that of the collective higher will through this process. The power will be shifting from the few to the many.


So what is the full moon telling us in all this? The Moons position on the 10th gate in Sagittarius (Please see annotations below) this weekend, right near Galactic center. This is all about self-love, differentiation, and individuation. As many of us in the collective awaken, we have been asking ourselves Who Am I? Only once we dive deep into a state of self-obsession and understanding can we come to exhaust this obsessive seeking to arrive at a state of Natural presence. It is only through diversity and uniqueness can we as a collective actually unite and come together. Every single plant, flower, bug and molecule in this existence has a unique role to fulfill in all of this, otherwise it wouldn’t be. It is this, humanity’s journey of coming to know and understand its place and role within the creation of the Cosmos that we will see fulfilled. Weather we see a public disclosure from the media, or heads of political positions or not I cannot say. We will for certain see more soft disclosure and revelations of the fact that we are not alone on personal and multi-dimensional levels though.

Annotation to original: Note when I originally posted this article I had posted that the full moon was on the 10th gate in Sag, not realizing the chart had not been changed to the 9th instead of the 7th. Because this position is still very relevant due to it being the position as this Opposition begins and with its passing over Galactic Center I have left that information in, but also would like to add that the correct FULL MOON position is also on the same 54th Gate conjunct with Pluto, thus further even intensifying the archetypal energies of Kundalini raising :)


In Galactic Helio-Centric astrology we also have the earth lining up with Lyra/ Vega, some of the most evolved spiritual energy within our known universe. Further confirmation of a cycle aligning with our highest purpose and intention and those forces currently much beyond our imagination.

(Chart Courtasy Grayam Forscutt Of GalaticAstrology.com)


. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2017/07/ic-molecules-detected-in-80-kilometer-high-plumes-of-saturns-enceladus-a-complex-chemical-journey.html


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I think the internet was really the conduit for our species rebirth :)

I defiantly feel it was a major aspect. Hence why we all sit in front of these black cube like boxes all day, dont they seem very similar to the hyper-cube everyone walks in circles around in the middle east? At the end of the day mother nature orchestrates all of it.

We inprint our conciousness in the things we do and modern analitics tools can also take predictive data and forcaste events. The internet is a reflection of our species and the group think of mankind.

Yes, youtube is like the collective imagination!

Nice article. The Galactic Center is 26 Sagittarius and the Full Moon is 18 Capricorn (conjunct Pluto) and opposite the Sun 18 Cancer (conjunct Mars) both in a T-square to Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries. This is a Grand Cardinal Square.

No doubt, I just realized I was looking at todays chart :P

Made appropriate annotations :) Thanks for looking out.

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