America is Experiencing a Modern-Day Guntocracy!

in news •  3 years ago  (edited)

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How else can one say it...

It's all too true that America now faces what can be described as a "Guntocracy".

Now, of course, the term is an obvious pseudonym in its spelling.

Even so, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize what the false term clearly stands for. 

And what it suggests is the rampant gun violence crimes that are now out of control plastered on the news 24/7.

A portion of these crimes are taking place in major cities such as New York City, L.A., Chicago, are most noted.

And it's gotten to the point where residents within these once great cities, are feeling trapped behind the walls of their homes.

So, the question that needs to be answered now is...

When will this senseless gun violence come to an end?

Well, the answer isn't stripping law-Biden gun owners of their firearms.

Instead, that focus should be to keep these firearms out of the hands of criminals and homicidal maniacs!

This Guntocracy favors the Criminal Element 

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Essentially, that seems to be the case, ESPECIALLY in the dawn of the 2020 decade.

What I learned about some of the gun violence statistics within the U.S., was quite interesting. 

There has been more than a 30% rise of firearm deaths starting as far back in 2019; and the number tallied up to 5,155.

A HUGE spike increase pushed the number of gun violence deaths to 45,222 in 2020.

The firearm assaults targeted businesses such as supermarkets, fast-food joints, to police officers and innocent bystanders.  

And that's the main issue that now persists, which are the school shootings taking place within nearby community districts.

The latest case was the mass shooting that happened a week and a half ago in Uvalde, Texas.

The incident centered around 18-year-old Salvador, who attended Robb High School; went on a murderous rampage killing 19 Students and 2 Adults.

This is one of the latest deadly shootings in 2022.

Another recent shooting took place at the Tops Grocery Store in Buffalo, New York.   

18-year-old Payton S. Gendron was identified as the shooter, and reports stated that he live streamed some of the attack on

The live feed was quickly severed by the gaming platform two minutes afterwards. 

Buffalo Police Chief Joseph Gramaglia has confirmed that 13 people were shot, 10 of which were fatal.

The attack is classified as a hate crime act. 

A third twist was 30-year-old Gerald Brevard III, who was arrested in Washington D.C., by ATF agents. 

ATF which is short for (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), confirmed the apprehension of the suspect back in March.

Barevard was also connected to a host of shootings, where he targeted homeless men sleeping outside public areas within cities in New York.

So, where does this leave us on the issue of gun laws and firearm control?

 As of now, it's led to a lot of debating whether or not to deny the sale of firearms (such as handguns). 

Even so, handguns should be permitted for only licensed gun owners (those who pass a thorough background check for previous gun violence). 

As for AR-15 rifles, I think gun owners can do without them, ARs are more so for military conflicts on the battlefield. 

The prime factor many gun owners are pondering about on a daily basis, is Congress’ notion to ban all handguns. 

I SERIOUSLY know that wouldn't go over well at all with U.S. citizens, who will stand up for their right to bear arms! 

They have to realize people need a way to protect not only themselves, but their loved ones too.

But let's get real here for a minute folks, criminals are managing to get a hold of destructive firearms such as Shotguns and Assault Rifles.

Some can get legally (as in the case of Salvador Ramos) who bought his AR-15 from a local gun shop.

And despite the fact that he didn't have any known history of gun violence, a real red flag should have still been prompted!


Because the boy was quite young to be purchasing a high-impact weapon such as an assault rifle at age 18.

And since this incident has come to pass, lawmakers are seeking to raise the legal age to purchase firearms to age 21.

Greater rules needed to curve this Guntocracy crime spree!

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It's expected for lawmakers to opt for more stringent gun laws.

The color-shaded map image above shows the most recent gun law conditions for each U.S. state.

And when it comes down to banning all firearms...

Well, I say that would be dangerous in itself, because people need to be able to defend themselves, as well as their families!

More so, it's the gun purchasing conditions that should be tightened.

Gun shop outlets should be required to take a QR Scan (app for the smartphone used during the purchasing process) of anyone who purchases a firearm.

The QR Scan will serve as both the purchaser's electronic ID, and it can provide the location of the shop where they bought the firearm.

Now, it's not to treat anyone as if they're a hardened criminal, it's just to let local law enforcement know who's a newly licensed carrier.

And yeah, it's an indirect method to track gun owners, but judging from the times we live in; that added step is now needed!

After all, with great power, comes great responsibility!

Because when an individual is standing behind the barrel of a gun, they're messing around with a powerful kinetic weapon.

A weapon capable of taking a life and SHOULD ONLY BE USED if the owners feels that their life is a stake!


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