When people are thinking about snowfall, they're thinking just a few flurries at best, nothing to really get worked up over. It's the same thing when the Meteorologist tells you that the previous mentioned snowfall will be followed later by an additional 8" inches of snow, and that might seem a bit radical for you to take in, however you have the latest badass TORO SNOWBLOWER on the block, so you'll just chuckle it off, and go back to sipping on your warm coco, filled with extra S'mores Marshmallows as you kick back in the warm confinement of your home.
But seriously enough joking, and let's get even more serious about the current situation dealing with this ridiculously frigid cold weather of last year right into this year. Areas around the mid-upper Northern region, is where this vicious cycle of sub-zero temperatures are expanding.
It's been speculated that the Arctic Circle is gradually warming up (thanks to the Sun's powerful rays), high-rates of melting snow, ultimately this causes erratic patterns of water travelling around during the Summertime this is known as "blue-green open water", or free moving water that traps and then releases heat. The radiation from the Sun's powerful UV rays (ultraviolet rays), is intensified by the Methane Gas present within the permafrost. And in case you were wondering what is a permafrost, it's a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, occurring in polar regions.

This basically serves the same purpose of a Greenhouse that inhabits various plants, it will trap heat given by the Sun's rays, the heat cannot escape due to the glass material makeup of the Greenhouse, thus it will keep plants warm and healthy as they grow even during the winter months.
Scientist are probably flipping out about the Methane Gas Factor present deep within the permafrost itself, which is released into the atmosphere at a high-rate (and that's thanks to travelling warmer winds in conjunction with precipitation), precipitation itself is basically what you would call "water", falling rain, snow, sleet is what that is.

And that's also the key issue where you have continuous heated elements intervening with the precipitation that causes a vicious cycle of fluctuating weather targeting areas of the arctic to heat up, AND THAT'S NOT GOOD FOLKS!
I'm thinking this, and this is just my take on this whole "EXTREME" deep freeze situation hitting the upper part of the U.S., because of what I just stated above, I'm starting to believe that arctic regions are slowly migrating toward the warmer regions. The northern part of America is feeling the affects of viciously cold weather and elements around the winter solstice, that's just a wild guess from what it sounds to me..
This is what's stated in the bible at a certain point in time where we will be dealing with "ice age-like" type of conditions, and these types of extreme conditions can wind up wiping out civilizations, like it did the dinosaurs, the woolly mammoths, etc.
I found some more interesting details about this freezing phenomenon, you should take a few minutes to check this out.