YouTube Has Nearly Demonetized Me ENTIRELY & Other Independent Medias Are Facing The Same...

in news •  7 years ago 

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So many of you may know already that I have put a lot of my eggs in Steemit as the potential is incredible and it's already helped me afford trips to places like Las Vegas to cover Freedom Fest.


Liquid money that's not invested in something like STEEM or Bitcoin is important to being able to eat and YouTube has officially demonetized nearly all of my videos so I cannot continue making money off of advertisement. This is a MASSIVE hit to my media.

And it's not just happening to me, it's happening to @LukeWeAreChange and @PressForTruth as well!

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A look at the attacks on We Are Change

While YouTube is a private company and people agree to the terms of service, they are hugely affecting their shareholders.

This is allegedly due to things like ISIS videos being posted and advertisers not wanting to give them money (for good reason) and therefor, I put up a video on pensions and I get put in the same category.

Of course there's something bigger going on though and we all know it even if we aren't admitting it. The establishment is trying to stifle independent media as their main propaganda line (other than the public school system) mainstream media is crashing and burning. Mainstream media currently holds a 6% trust rating. The establishment is using political correctness to gain censorship popularity and labeling everything that doesn't follow the official narrative "white supremacy", "bigotry" or "hatespeech" even if the message has no race context and calls for peace and individual freedom. This has gotten insane!

There's an information war going on and we are winning but the powers that be are desperate to shut us up. This is a sign that we're doing something right, but it's still a sign that we have some murky water to tread through ahead!

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Yes, Steemit is a great example of taking down Facebook, but from a marketing perspective, we still have to operate outside of our bubble and using a different video site that only people that think like us use won't exactly do the job. We have to be able to use their infrastructure against them in order to reach those who are completely unaware of what's going on. YouTube has been integral to waking up people who believe everything they hear on TV or from different politicians.

The thing is, I work 18 hours a day every single day to put out information, interview incredible names and bring people the content they deserve and this is hurting me, a lot.

I can't do it without you! As I get vastly demonetized, I have to depend on the viewers out there that wish to support my work!

So below I'm going to lay out ways to help support me. I don't like asking for money but it's the only way I can continue at this moment to bring people content. I need to eat after all!

You can help me by:

*Donating to my GoFundMe here:

*Pledging to my Patreon:

*Donating to my PayPal:

[email protected]

*Donating via interac:

[email protected] (Josh Sigurdson)

*Donating to my Bitcoin:



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*And of course Upvoting this post!

This is going to be a difficult bumpy road ahead but with the help of the viewer and reader, you can help turn the state propaganda on its head and help bring truth in information to the populace!

We will continue stepping up our game going forward and we will NEVER give up!

Thank you!

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My day job company posts product videos about knives. Just short informational videos showing the knife in someone's hand and how it works. Two years ago, we earned about $500 a month from YT. Last month, with about double the number of videos, we earned less than $30. We still shoot the videos because they are helpful for our customers, but it is definitely a censorship thing with them. Anything they don't feel is politically correct gets pushed into the red "no earn" zone. Best of luck with your continued success @joshsigurdson.

Absolutely! By the numbers I got last year, seeing how much more I have today, they demonetized me by 90% and I should be making 10-20 thousand a month. lol They put me down to 1500 to 2000 a month and now they made another move making it impossible for me to make almost any money at all! It's insane.

I think eventually it is going to come around and bite them. By disincentivizing the very people who create the product they "sell" they are going to lose content share over the long haul. I know they are huge, but at some point, creators move to where they are rewarded for their efforts. When that happens, they will tank. It obviously doesn't help you in the short term, but I think at some point someone is going to step up and challenge them directly in the "video delivery and hosting" market. I hope it is Steemit. I can see loads of potential here.

YouTube has never turned a profit, it currently loses 2 billion a year for Google. They are not in this as rational actors, they are just the shadowed hand of the deep state.

I think the best thinig we can do to help bankrupt google entirely, is to use adblocker and encourage everyone you know to use it. By all means continue to use their service, but block that stuff!

Upload 24 hour long videos in high def of nothing just to take up their server space.

haahah :D yeah put on a mic in a box and stream that :D in 16k :D you would need a lot of bandwidth tho good internet, lot's of Hdd and Ram :D so it's a counter investment.

Brave browser does that, firefox is good I suppose If you take some time to get into security and plugins(add-ons)

Other than that, YT went sideways a long time ago, s far they are trying to topple the "status quo" in there, basically shunning politics and any conversation starters, even pewdie :D

google is running on everywhere, get a no script on firefox and you will see.

here is another linking

hahaha that's a funny idea-upload long, blank videos.

yt IS trying to become the new TV, that's why, it's bad to have political opinions and speak your mind, sorry.

That is exactly why I basically abdoned YT and came here. I also earn some crypto on the side from doing stuff on bitcointalk forum, but here is where someone can really grow and get a good following.

I would suggest also using Minds/Blogger/Medium to cross post on to.

Minds is starting to do ads soon or already is for some. Blogger I believe is hooked up to adsense(but at least you can take what you post on steemit and copy/paste it onto blogger for some extra money).

Not sure if a person can make money on Medium.

Disturbing tendency. Topic of many Steemit posts these days. Seems like everything just slightly out of the ordinary is 'censored' in lack of a better word.

it depends on what each individual's idea of normal is.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Many others are saying the same things, just watched themoneygps, his subscribers have been unsubscribed by youtube. I hope we can post videos on steemit in the near future, then there will be no need for youtube

Good luck, but SBD is pretty liquid... I can convert SBD to Bitcoin and sell it at a Bitcoin ATM for cash.

My Youtube has not changed but I am really small. But that is interesting to hear. I wish I could know more about "these kind of" market changes and evolving decisions... Luckily I do not depend on revenue from internet, but I completely understand your position. My suggestion is to always have a fall back plan (which you probably have).

Steem to the rescue :)

As a burgeoning youtuber (I have 22 subs) this saddens me. I have used the platform for years but only recently started uploading my original content. (Thanks to Steemit for the kick out the door)

Have any of you checked out LBRY? Seems to be a good alternative to what the main problem is with youtube. I'm curious what seasoned content creators think of it and its viability.


+1 on checking out Lbry - it's already being used by several big Youtube content creators. On the front page of the app right now (which is a manually curated list at the moment), there's : CasuallyExplained, JuliaGalef, IGN and ILikeToMakeStuff.

Steemit is great and all, but lacks the ability for content creators to monetize their content directly, which Lbry does allow, i.e., creators can charge whatever they want for their content, $0, $0.1, or $1000 per video :D

It's now in open beta, so anyone can download the client and browse the content.

The more I read about it the more I like it. As an investment and a platform.

Check out their Slack (pretty sure its - its quite an active and pretty chill community. Its a great place to ask questions and such 😊

I will thanks for the heads up.

Death to youtube. It's time for liberty minded individuals to come together to find a new platform(maybe steemit?) and promote each other.

It is time to get off the Youtube plantation and support pro-freedom platforms like Steemit! Vote with your dollars, time and energy! Although I agree with you ... use the enemy's platofrm against them.

We need a SteemTube!!!

The issue is, the computing power would have to be insane. The YouTube creators only sold YouTube to Google because they didn't have the money or computing power to keep up with the massive growth of YouTube and the amount of people using its infrastructure on a daily basis.
And as I said, we need to operate outside our bubble. Most people are not into crypto so we need to be able to educate people who aren't already educated.

Most people on Steemit still don't understand the difference between posting something here that gets 500 views (and that's a rockstar post) and posting on YouTube to 500,000 views. While it is about making money, it's also about building the audience and having more people see the content. You hit the nail on the head "we need to operate outside our bubble." Unfortunately, that one line tends to fall on deaf ears when you talking inside this bubble. :)

Exactly! Everyone keeps telling me to get off YouTube and go to Vid.Me or Lbry, but then only people who agree will see the videos and that completely defeats the whole point!

Release on Steemit first then youtube. getting the info a couple days early will be a good incentive to find steemit. It will be a trend because demonetization is happening to everyone.

He has to put it on YouTube first because you can't upload it directly to Steemit. And how would this help him? He would be better off putting them on Patreon first and then YouTube and then Steemit.

@joshsigurdson - YT also doesn't make any money, its never turned a profit, so any competitor has to be willing to lose 2 billion a year if they want to compete on YT scale. Only those acting behalf of the state can lose billions a year and keep at it. Unless someone else can come up with a paradigm that can compete with a competitor who shrugs off a 2 billion a year loss.

You have great interview, definitely don't deserve this. You aren't the only one, digital advertisers are fed up w FB and GOOG, but lack better choices. The war on FB and GOOG has started though, just don't think many people realize it yet.

I've been seeing this for about 8 months... Even Entertainers got jacked like Hodge twins and Fousey tube, You tube just want kid friendly videos and seen tons switch to that, its rediculous. Steem all the way .

The hodge twins are one of my fav youtubers. Youtube is preferring trash mainstream music compared to the youtube content I grew up watching.

Then move to dailymotion.
If enough demonetized content creators will move from youtube to its competition and start promoting their channels at competing websites, youtube will get hurt for the long term.
And I love youtube.
Facebook is much worse.

a lot of what I had watched on youtube is now taken down

I find it disgusting how google (goolag) is using it's power this way in order to advance their agenda. I am not personally in favor of business regulation, but I could certainly see Donald Trump using his power to split google into seperate companies like they did to Microsoft in 2000.

Hopefully one day we will have all the tools necessary (video platform) that will allow us not to rely upon youtube and facebook. Best of luck and it's only a matter of time where all we need is Steemit.

More and more people are going to leave "Do Hide Evil" Google behind.

I'm looking forward to it ruining their business model too. They have disgraced themselves, and I'm not sure if there's a way to recover.

There are plenty of other platforms to upload videos, and then quality producers such as yourself will use Steemit for revenue.

I feel you bud

I have posted about this a few times before. Its brutal. There needs to be a new place to host video as youtube just cant handle it anymore. They are more focused on cencorship and the pc culture than giving a free/open place to host content.

I can understand the argument that youtube is just a corporation they can do whatever they want, but they advertise it as being a platform for us to share our content. It was suppose to be a free speech friendly environment. As far as I'm concerned they are shooting themselves in the foot. We should be able to have our voice on youtube whether we are blue pilled to mainstream narrative or red pilled to reality.

PROTIP: YouTube (owned by Google) is not a real corporation, its a thinly veiled arm of the CIA. They lose 2 billion dollars a year and have never turned a profit. Any real company you can think of that loses 2 billion a year and stays in business for over a decade with no hope of profit?

what all creators of content should do is get behind all of the new innovative channels to promote and get the message out.
google and the youtube monopoly are only chopping their own legs off. i'm fully behind all independent media. no matter the message.

Sucks man i feel for you, I know a few others that are in this position. Diversification is always key. From my understand YouTube is Googles least performing platform, they are loosing money on it, couple that with advertisers pulling out and its only a matter of time before making money from YouTube just isn't via-able. I know creating quality vids is a lot of work. Some people are jaded thinking it is an "easy job". Best of luck to you brother!

Im hearing this more and more often from YouTubers. I predict that someone is about to make a ton of money by launching a VIable alternative!

This is just the beginning of censorship. Steem it came just in time before the collapse so many people can be warned and take measures by getting into crypto, gold and silver.

I can clearly see a change in what Youtube is recomending me to watch, some chanels are completly gone.

This only strengthening the case for Steemit. I've been selling everyone I know on joining here, major content creators or not.

Josh, I like your stuff, I'm a canadian too. But I think it's George Soros and Peter Shiff who demonetized you. They sent a booby trap, and you walked on it. I have zero account on google or any other affiliate sites. But 2 weeks before your video on Peter Schiff, you we're always in the column Up next. (And I don't have an account, so they technicaly "don't know" my youtube browsing history). I think you bite to a bait, you did the shit they wanted you to do, got a few bucks for that crap and a little bit of fame, and now the plug as been pull out. Sad to say, they're was a bait, you bite it. Now the people who sent this trap knows from where the information leak.

Wow boy i'm sorry to hear that...we have almost the same problem..not like they demotized our videos...but after adpocalypse our earnings are getting worse and worse...i recommand you to wait for

consider bitchute

In 2015 Google ditched their "Don't Be Evil" motto, and ironically this is the same time the kids gloves came off and their selective censorship campaign really started to become increasingly aggressive and blatant.

Followed and upvoted. I really despise what YT is doing in censoring large portions of the "controversial" side of itself. It is eating itself alive as this is the very reason why many have come to love YouTube in the first place. I wish I owned more BTC and Dash to support you, but alas I am still but a minnow. Good luck to you my friend! Please follow back.

YouTube doesn't owe you a living. You are getting a free place to upload and stream your videos. Obviously you have figured out a way to monetize your work beyond YT advertising dollars which is how it should me.

.@joshsigurdson You might also consider putting out some merch. Lots of print on demand companies that provide tshirts, mugs, other items. You are popular and relevant enough that people will buy products with your name on them and/or quips and sayings. Crowder and DeFranco do it with great success. I hate to see all you hard working guys demonetized!

Since they are shifting over the brainwashing from our TV´s to youtube they attack persons like yourself who put out actual news and infos. This is terrifying!! Thank you very much for your work!

Youtube will eventually have competitors from crypto based platforms. It's just a matter of when :) Wouldn't it be great to have an independent platform where free speech is not suppressed ? I would love to see steemit adding a video section build in a way that eases Youtubers transition towards becoming Steemers :D Maybe by giving them the opportunity to somehow transfer their Youtube account content in one click. I hope that you, Josh and WAM, gets a platform that pays and support you right.

Josh you should advertise your videos on youtube and release them on steemit.

We've got to stick together and help eachother out. We are growing and winning. Just let the powers that be play the same old game, while we move away to freedom-land. All rational voices who embrace free speech. I don't care if you're alt right, nationalist, capitalist, conservative, christian, democrat. We must connect with each other and fight the oppressors.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow ty for share


I was going to make a post on this, but I wanted to read more o socialism and anarchy and think on how I can argue with a anarcho-socialist ?D :D

Just came across this note on a YouTube channel we visit periodically ...albeit, there isn't much to see now:

"The owner of this YOU TUBE channel has elected to remove ALL videos from this and other YOU TUBE channels in opposition to GOOGLE and YOU TUBE's "anti defamation league" attempt to censor and demonetize the free and independent news outlets such as PRESS FOR TRUTH, WORLD ALTERNATIVE MEDIA, DIAMOND and SILK, WE ARE CHANGE and countless others who have been providing valuable insight and education to viewers."

Perhaps it will catch on.

i love what your doing josh. you bring the truth of what others, mainly the msm is not doing. i wander what happened to luke rudkowsky. haven't seen or heard from him in youtube for quite a while. will be glad if he shows up here in thanks .

Two video platforms for you to keep an eye on