RE: Epic Press Conference! A Censored Alex Jones At US Congress - "Google & Gov Are Infiltrated By Chinese Communists" - "Press & Gov. Members Are Criminal".

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Epic Press Conference! A Censored Alex Jones At US Congress - "Google & Gov Are Infiltrated By Chinese Communists" - "Press & Gov. Members Are Criminal".

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

There's a lot that Alex says that is wrong. He is a 'crisis actor'! LOL! I totally agree about the steep hierarchies in society. It's been that way since the first settlement of nomads huddled around the god-alter and paid tithes to the priest-king, or perhaps the priestess-shaman, that far back. Check out the "Nommo" fish-gods and all the artifacts discovered. Anyhow, I digress...the pyramid motif, with wide base, representing the masses and the singular point at the top representing the offspring of the gods, needs to be dismantled. If it isn't it will be the downfall of mankind and the planet.

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I am aware of Nommo, yes - although from quite a different perspective.
In a way, the pyramid is that of consciousness and unconsciousness too - with most of us being unconscious as individuals with only the top of our own iceberg being conscious..
By increasing our own consciousness we do something to perhaps 'circle the pyramid' and make things more balanced and adaptable.

"I am aware of Nommo, yes - although from quite a different perspective." Oooooh! I am intrigued by that statement and wish you'd tell me MORE!

Here's my view of consciousness. It's everywhere and in all life. We, complex organisms, are colonies of simple organisms - even our cells are symbionts, having mitochondria working away inside of eukaryote cells. Mitochondria have their own DNA, distinct from human DNA. Single celled organisms are self-determined, sentient and conscious.

What I've come to think is that the consciousness pyramid is inverted. The smarts are in the simplest parts that collectively and cooperatively comprise the consciousness of complex organisms. I can only surmise that failure to recognize and try to cooperate with the collective forming a complex being, creates 'interference patterns' muting awareness and communication within one's self, and the greater ONE SELF. Consciousness is singular and eternal/infinite, just as energy (electromagnetism) must also be. Everything moves and changes, if not by force, then by entropy, which causes substances to aggregate according to like-kind and that regenerates resources that energize. The cycle is perpetual. That's my take on consciousness, from this one-person-collective perspective. :)

What have you learned from your perspective. I love hearing what others perceive and experience.

I just commented on @alchemage 's post about plants' pain response, so I'll repeat a bit here to share the info.

Plants are conscious. See Cleve Backster's research. Bacteria is now known to be intelligent.

What's being shown in this video is a slime mold colony LEARNING the quickest route to food. The final frames show how it applies that learning and wastes no time getting to the food.

How Brainless Slime Molds Redefine Intelligence [Video]
Single-celled amoebae can remember, make decisions and anticipate change, urging scientists to rethink intelligent behavior

I would love to see more people studying and talking about the consciousness of all things...I'm still on the fence about minerals. But I did my own experiment with a multi-meter mV datalogger. My plant was quicker to respond to a neighbor across the road slamming a car door than I was while concentrating and feeling quite safe. Its reaction was measured as a spike to 30 mV from it's holding pattern around 7mV. That's sentience, awareness, consciousness.

The information I was referring to regarding Nommo was in relation to Sirius, but I can see that now on Wikipedia there is mention there of Sirius too - so maybe some of my information is more 'mainstream' now ;)
I read about these ideas in the books 'the ancient secret of the flower of life' - where Drunvalo, the author, visits a particular region (In mexico or South America I think) where these people with fish flippers are commonly seen on walls and in art.

Along with consciousness, we have unconsciousness and so while in a balanced cosmic reality without denial being present, it might be accurate to say that everything is consciousness - currently it is more accurate to say that everything is consciousness in potential.

I am aware that plants have a form of consciousness, yes - though it is not necessarily so simple for me to relate to it beyond perhaps the forms of consciousness that drive our own cells. There is a great intelligence in this too, yes - it is ultimately part of the great mother of everything - our own will.

To explain everything I have learned and am learning on this topic will take literally years - I have put a lot of time into writing about it but I will probably never be able to write it all. I don't mean that to sound 'big headed', it's just that I have put a lot of time into going where others will not go and reading important material that most will never read.

I'm not quite sure how the video you showed demonstrates what is being described, I think maybe important frames are missing. In any case though, yes - intelligence underpins creation in all its forms.. Although often denial is also present which inhibits and warps the forms and their expression.

Crystals are probably the simplest mineral forms to explore for consciousness - I have had one strong experience with kunzite whereby my inner heart became highly charged and warm while tuning into the stone. I have heard a lot of amazing stories regarding conscious interaction with crystals, although I personally prefer to direct my awareness more inward currently.

I have found channeled material to be among the best for these topics, although there is a huge amount of noise to filter through too. ;)

Do you mean the Sirius Dogon wisdom? I've been finding the Nommo represented in Sumerian literature and artifacts, Neolithic European artifacts, Japanese artifacts, Indian literature. The Nommo/Apkallu/Dogu fish-gods were everywhere once, it seems. It's a tradition older than any population living today, although the Dogon have held on to it longer than other cultures. They've had the good fortune to remain unmolested the longest.

I think I once came across a book called the The Flower of Life, but I don't think it was Drumvalo's, although I am familiar with that name too.

Here's a treat! It's a chapter from the book in audio format.

I found the book on Amazon. This line of the description uses language that corresponds to the path I've been on since infancy.
"The information here is one path, but between the lines and drawings lie the feminine gems of intuitive understanding. You may see them sparkle around some of these provocative ideas:"

I've always perceived more 'between the lines' and have had a couple 'downloads' through spontaneous kundalini events, one of which did indeed present itself as a stream of sparkling gems, accompanied by that 'warm heart' feeling that engulfed my entire body. There's no way I could articulate the knowledge gained. I perceived EVERYTHING.

Call it intuition, akasha, whatever...nature has a way of derailing my contemplative analytical self with abrupt, intrusive, whole perception. We're being groomed to abandon our innate non-language perception. If we can speak to one another without words, how can our intent be known by those who aim to control and subjugate us? I think that is what Drumvalo intended to teach.

You needn't worry about sounding 'big headed'. It is impossible to describe EVERYTHING briefly

The learning phase of the mold in the video shows how it takes over the whole maze, exploring. The short segment at the end, with a red line overlaying the path taken by the mold shows that it learned and grew only along the direct path to the food.

Your activation with kunzite reminds me of the Hamsa Upanishad.
"When Hamsa is absorbed in Nada (spiritual sound), the state beyond the fourth is reached. Nada (which is at the end of sound and beyond speech and mind) is like a pure crystal extending from (Mula) Adhara to Brahmarandhra. It is that which is spoken of as Brahma and Paramatman."

As mentioned, I've had a few spontaneous 'uprisings' from my kundalini. The second huge and 'definitely not me' one was beautiful. The third was very strange. It began like earth-tremors, it progressed to feel like I had a freight train running through me and the earth beneath my feet gave way like sponge, regularly. So, being an analytical problem-solver by nature and profession, I started looking for a solution. I found it in Eastern Philosophy. I meditated for a few month, reached Turiya, then the kundalini settled down into that 'warm heart' thing with a vibration routine while I slept. All that's left is the Nada/Para-Vak. I can live with that.

In eastern traditions there is a reluctance among teachers to reveal doctrine that is akin to the western adage of not throwing pearls to swine. It has nothing to do with elitism or superiority. It is a safety precaution. Intense spiritual work can lead to psychosis, which is disintegration of conditioned worldviews. Understanding that everything is nothing and nothingness is everything can lead to an unhealthy nihilism. I've seen it in spiritual students and man, it ain't pretty! The kundalini can be dangerous if awakened prematurely or kept active for too long. I could never be faulted for that! I'm in the workshop, repaired and out as fast as I can be! :)

Yes, there are other books about and called 'the flower of life' but Drunvalo Melchizedek's books are the specific ones I am referring to. Those books were his first I think and later he went on to focus on the heart and then discovered the feminine energy and became more balanced - spending a lot of time with tribes and acting as (allegedly) a go-between between them and the 'white people'. It's a bit of a controversial topic with some claiming that he has been 'taken over' by another spirit and is actually luciferian. I am not about to judge it, I just look at the information for what may be of value.

Moving beyond words is of value, yes, we are vibrational beings and we can be felt - in truth we need to be felt to be understood.

I understand the mold video now, thanks - that is very interesting - maybe I will reconsider getting some pet mold again. :)

I have been clearing and balancing my energy centers for about 25 years in various ways, so the crystal trigger was not unprecedented exactly, but it was the first time I felt a direct experience due to a crystal in that way. The key is resonance and timing. I have put a lot of time into making music and mixing frequencies as a result, so I am quite attuned to that in general.

Of all the hundreds of sources I have explored, there is one that stands out so far that many who read it throw their other books away. I highly recommend these books. <3

The book series descriptions are, themselves, enlightening. It looks like a very helpful set. I bet you voraciously consumed everything in your path, perceiving the ideal of what you search for, sensing its existence 'somewhere', but never holding it in your hands. The spiritual seeker is driven by what she KNOWS inside, but has never yet KNOWN outside the self. We don't need to learn 'it', we need to CONFIRM what we already know. That's why we search.

I remember vividly my first birthday. I and my cousin of the same age had a conversation without a word spoken. When we are infants, our thoughts are images and ideas, not words. In recollection, I remember the meanings of thoughts between myself and my cousin and can articulate them with words, but that's a learned processes and along with learning language we learn social conditioning. Returning to the primal state requires the undoing of social conditioning. Anyone fortunate enough to have retained primal nature always feels integrated and conversant with nature, as though nature is an extension of self. Harmlessness - ahimsa - for one who has remained with Nature, the Life-Being, is self-preservation expressed as selfless service - seva. The rationale of the principle is obvious: don't damage your world, because you must live in it.

Oh, I bet you have some neglected pet mold somewhere around the house. Make friends with your yogurt. They have feeling too. :)

Music is a primal language. We don't really say too much with it in the west, but the east has an entire treatise on the Raga methodology. They have a distinctly different scale, compose using specific notes, which are to be played at particular times of the day and on particular days of the week. They composed hymns that matched words to note in an intensely methodical way.

I've only found this classical Raga audio for you, but if those typical flat notes resonate - and I do mean physically resonate - with you, you might want to see what you can create, incorporating the science of Raga into your compositions. For me, some of the Ragas literally stun my brain, like a tolerable electrical ZAP, but nonetheless halting.

"A raga is a central concept of Indian music, predominant in its expression, yet the concept has no direct Western translation. According to Walter Kaufmann, though a remarkable and prominent feature of Indian music, a definition of raga cannot be offered in one or two sentences.[4] Raga is a fusion of technical and ideational ideas found in music, and may be roughly described as a musical entity that includes note intonation, relative duration and order, in a manner similar to how words flexibly form phrases to create an atmosphere of expression.[59] In some cases, certain rules are considered obligatory, in others optional. The raga allows flexibility, where the artist may rely on simple expression, or may add ornamentations yet express the same essential message but evoke a different intensity of mood.[59]"

A raga or raaga (IAST: rāga; also raag or ragam ; literally "coloring, tingeing, dyeing") is a melodic framework for improvisation akin to a melodic mode in Indian classical music. While the raga is a remarkable and central feature of the classical music tradition, it has no direct translation to concepts in the classical European music tradition. Each raga is an array of melodic structures with musical motifs, considered in the Indian tradition to have the ability to "color the mind" and affect the emotions of the audience.A raga consists of at least five notes, and each raga provides the musician with a musical framework within which to improvise. The specific notes within a raga can be reordered and improvised by the musician.